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Everything posted by t0mz0r

  1. Um.. I get past 650 on my Evo as well, and that damn thing isnt even handpicked...
  2. QFT + yay! :nana:
  3. Ditto :ws: Just gonna go out on a limb here; are S/N's really the only way to distinguish cards from each other? Does anyone here know W1zzard? (afaik he made GPU-Z happen) http://forums.techpowerup.com/member.php?u=1 /t0m :celebration:
  4. Before I go off on what could seem like a small rant, at least in the inital part, please understand this is written with a smile and meant to be taken positively Tbh I think a lot of this "childishness" everyone refers to is really quite general for the overclocking scene. Yes, I'd consider it childish for those that report sharing whenever they feel they've seen sth that indicates sharing without giving it any further thoughts. On the other hand, I think its equally childish to simply quit HWbot when you bump into criticism. Its bound to happen when you're one of the top benchers in the world - no offence, Micha. Couldn't we instead turn this whole sharing topic into sth constructive and kick off a discussion about how best to fight hardware sharing? Just my two cents. /t0m :celebration:
  5. heheeeey youre back wb (and thanks!)
  6. woah, still? thats some vacation..
  7. Noone home from vacation yet?
  8. Somebody answer the birthday boy.. heheh
  9. Ellow' :woot: Just wondering; any thoughts on adding VIA and such CPU types? (i.e. VIA Nano, Eden, C7, Intel Atom, etc.) Enjoy teh summer!1 :ws: /t0m :battle:
  10. Mornings Just a quickie really.. Since resigning from Team Denmark I've noticed that the group was also "awarded" the 'this team supports' title even tho the funding came from me personally? So judging from that, is there some correlation between the feature on a member and team basis? Thanks for your consideration. /t0m :ws:
  11. I don't doubt ya, m8 Just sayin' I've never been uh "served" processors in that manor
  12. I've never seen, heard of or signed such a letter tho.
  13. Will do. Thanks! :celebration:
  14. Well, not me as a person but Team Denmark in this case. If Intel are happy with the results, its usually stuff to keep.
  15. Yes, I get that too Point being if I try to upload my score it says duplicate result and doesnt sve the entry. So um..?
  16. Profile: http://hwbot.org/user.do?userId=8462 3D01 score: 9830 (methinks) Hardware: - AMD Sempron LE-1200 - GeForce 8300 IGP - 2 GB DDR2 PC6400 5-5-5-18 - Asus M3N-H :ws:
  17. Ticket ID: 52 Priority: Low Hi guys, I thought it'd be nice with a facebook application featuring hwbot ranking and listings. I know you must have some internal changelog, so is there anything similar planned? If no, I'll start looking into it Thanks, Tom
  18. oh noes! ..and RB is out of office...
  19. Usually they get some publicity along with it tho :nana:
  20. (its not in my 3Dmark 2001 scores (view all) either)
  21. oi! upon trying to verify a 3D01 run i get the infamous "Duplicate warning. You already have submitted a benchmark run with exactly the same properties. To prevent duplicates, we have not saved this entry. To view the duplicate result, click here." Yet when "clicking here" I get a blank page. No result. Its not even in the daily uploads. Uummm..? /t0m :celebration:
  22. I called the local Intel contact once and asked for em - been getting bits and pieces ever since
  23. Same here.. Looks valid to me? :ws:
  24. Ticket ID: 47 Erased - CPU was added
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