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Everything posted by t0mz0r

  1. Should be easier to see if you choose the "combined results" fane
  2. hmm, dieser sollte besser sein? Für 54xx Xeon.. http://www.xtremesystems.org/Forums/showthread.php?t=177232
  3. That's prolly coz an admin/mod already checked it once - afaik reported scores aren't eligible for further reports
  4. Hey freund, versuchs mal mit diesen? (oder haste den schon?) http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/showthread.php?t=504690
  5. (i think he might be referring to the missing GPU-Z screen, which - if I'm right - should be there unless you have a valid ORB linky..)
  6. No. 1 is almost at 4.5 gigs, and no. 2 only at 4 GHz.. First entry is a bit off tho - reported (GPU) mem speed are the shaders
  7. Just a bit OT here.. I notice you're on the same team - shouldn't/couldn't this have been handled internally? *shrugs*
  8. thought it better to be safe than sorry
  9. no doubts there, just wondering if its still safe to add scores while the issue is at hand?
  10. Ticket ID: 390 Priority: Medium See attached screenshot from GPU-Z for details, taken from Zotac Ion (w/Intel Atom 330)\r\nNote that allocated GPU RAM can vary between 32 and 512 MB http://peecee.dk/uploads/062009/ion_gpu.jpg Thanks!
  11. n/m - made a ticket, just ignore this one
  12. Hmm, not here tho - at least in terms of measurable numbers, where its about 2/3'rd of what you'd normally expect to see
  13. No luck under cold Noted a strange thing on the Asrock tho - it detects three ram sticks installed (bios post reads "triple-channel" as opposed to "dual-channel" when only running two), but it still will only count "4095" MB.
  14. Thanks yeah, its kinda the same deal here, limits for me are around 800 MHz but depending pretty much on the board. Or at least so it seems
  15. I kinda have hunch that mine would work (on all three channels) under cold, gonna see if I can get it tried later today
  16. Yeah. It sortta varies from board to board how high frequency can be run stable, i.e. the Rampage II takes point in being able to run all three channels stable at 1333 where as the Asrock (which I'm currently on) needs to be "all auto" in order to run crash-free. That board won't run the W35's, and seated in the Rampage II there are no memory detection issues at all. My 1866gt Corsair kit is about a month old, and I got the OCZ blades about a week back.
  17. Asrock X58 Deluxe Asus Rampage II Extreme EVGA X58 SLI (the non-Classified one) Gigabyte EX58 Extreme Intel DX58SO Haven't had the Xeons thru all of those tho
  18. Mhmm, I can try another i7 when I get hold of one - as I said in #0, atm I only have some W35xx's as alternates, and they're not doing this. I loose a channel on all mb's tho.. Although, come to think of it, the whole memory detection thingie has only started happening by moving to higher frequency ram.
  19. Re-seated three times, no changes.. Gotta be IMC in this case then?
  20. Weird oh well, hadn't seen it.. thanx
  21. oi! You prolly saw this already? Unless there's a new model out I haven't heard of this is still a 965.. (at least that's what it says in the CPU-Z screens) http://hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=0&teamId=0&userName=&gpu=&numberOfVideocards=0&cpu=Core+i7+960+(12)&chipset=&model=&manufacturer=&minScore=&maxScore=&gpuId=0&cpuId=1885&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&offset=0&displayAdvanced=false&countryId=0&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&system=&minTotalPoints= - Tom
  22. you be thinking this is an Elpida Hyper issue?
  23. mhmm, in terms of QPI voltage I use 1.450-1.475 for 24/7, a bit higher when cold my vDIMM is set at 1.65 for everyday usage, up to 1.75 when benchmarking (ram sticks are being properly cooled)
  24. Almost same here, Corsair Dominator 1866c7's and OCZ Blade 2000c7's Hmm hope the kits arent about to die on me :(
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