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Brian y.

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Everything posted by Brian y.

  1. R.i.p.
  2. One day had a crazy idea and decided to buy mt first computer back in 2006 and within the first month I stumbled across XS. Stumbling across the OC section I asked someone about what Ocing was about they pretty much told me not to bother with it as it would be way too much for me as I was such a big NOOB, as you can see I did not take their advice:D
  3. I tried to delete this tonight in hopes of resubmitting them but realized I can't cause they have been checked by a mod:p any help resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. -Brian y.
  4. I noticed that my older 8800GTS scores were given points and that the newer submissions stated that they were not the highest scores obtained by me and therefore were not receiving points. I soft deleted the older scores in hope that it would force the newer submissions to update but it appears to be unsuccessful..
  5. one minute!! That is a WR:ws: Thank you, Brian y.
  6. I had some 8800GTs 512 scores that were blocked for lack of subtest in screenshots. I have since linked FM validation. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=935116&popup=true http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=935115&popup=true If these could be updated/verified it would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Brian y.
  7. bottom line is there is a new way to play the "game" here at hwbot. Given some time and a steady flow of submissions post REV3 I assume everything should will fall into place correctly...... game on.
  8. I see your point and understand where you are coming from, it's just when WR's at hwbot are involved it seems to really rear it's ugly head of what can happen when a golden CPU is entered into the equation. Your, right though as the only way to really moderate this would to be to depend on people's honesty and integrity.
  9. I guess I really never noticed it as I never really read up on the rules of hardware sharing as it was something I never really thought about as I assumed it meant pretty much if it's not your hw then you can't post/submit results with it on the bot. Recently, there was a submission that was done with hw that got my attention and forced me to really read the rules and I was enlightened on the fact specifically that someone can use another person's CPU for 3D benchmarks. I am asking that at least some discussion be brought up in regards to this matter for future submissions as I can see this potentially becoming an issue....raw power of a CPU is the heaviest factor in 3D benches when it comes to the top scores in hwbot IMO. Imagine if I sent my CPU to all of my teammates one at a time.......everybody on the team would be at the very least in the top 30 on hwbot when it was all said and done. Imagine if somebody like Andre started doing this..... I honestly would not send my CPU to my teammates for this even though it is legal to do as I just can't but help feel that it is somehow unethical.
  10. understood exactly:) Many times in benching there was only enough time for me to save validation as system would crash soon after....now if they want to change the rules that is fine too:)
  11. well said:)
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