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Brian y.

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Everything posted by Brian y.

  1. don't feel bad splave. Nice score. What pot were you using on the GPU?
  2. you should really think about getting a larger dewar.....nice score:)
  3. nice cpu! but can it run 32m in server2k3?
  4. you can finally rest in peace.....
  5. Very interesting......first runs were always the best.
  6. see you there in vegas e-Killer:) @PJ I'm not done with 01 on this platform by any means. I am going to try with a another CPU and the 4890:)
  7. I'll see you there Allen and rbuass:) Kenny....massman would be disappointed if he saw my 4890 result with 01:p
  8. about damn time you awoke. Nice to see you back in action...
  9. Congrats to you!! See you in Vegas Shaun.
  10. Very well done Chris. better to lose due to missing wallpaper than to win because it wasn't there;)
  11. RESPECT for that 3k man. Very nice work!
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