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Sparks.nl last won the day on October 22 2023

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    Overclocking and photography

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  1. There is probably still room for 100-200MHz more for a real good CPU.
  2. Sparks.nl

    [WTB-EU] DDR3

    This is base I think: https://www.ebay.nl/itm/186872006662?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=1346-175129-2357-0&ssspo=hekTg2AwSDS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=8aVDcvfySDu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I have a set of G.Skill Trident X F3-17066CL9D-4GBTDS. Not sure how good it is or oc capabilities. But it can go.
  3. Thanks. I am still disappointed tho. I had had hoped to break the Nr.1 CPU Frequency score, so close. It is 0837APMW, it can boot 3600MHz at 1.30v on water and 3700 at 1.375v. Funny that you mention it. I am/was thinking of running another board. 1 other CPU (my 6400+) indeed has issues voltages as well, but my other 0837APMW did not from what I remember (need to retest). I did use a slightly older BIOS version before, so that could be it as well. I will be running other benchmarks in time, after 5 hours I called it a day.
  4. Nice work. I missed this one. Tempting to run mine as well since mine is good on air and has this batch.
  5. So since I can’t compete with old school records from now on this is my last uploaded score, good luck to you all.
  6. I see there is something new in versions there. So this is the point where I can leave all old school behind me then. No need to try and take records which cannot be taken. Since back then they could gain at least 50-100MHz by running older versions of CPUz. No use trying to out bin any cpu because CPUz will hold you back anyway.
  7. I just noticed you use CPUz 2.09. Please validate with 1.73 next time and see…
  8. Nice! Good result. I missed this one. My first and only 6400+ has a vid of 1.35v as well (and is better on air then my 6000+ is).
  9. I am prepared to beta test. I just never saw the question. I am prepared to think about IT Security as well by the way. There is just 1 thing: Time (as I don't have that much).
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