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Posts posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Excuse me,


    I received an information from one of my fellow overclockers in Indonesia (yudhiagust), that his submission has been reported. This is the report:



    And I did look at the 3DMark Cloud Gate benchmark rules on http://www.hwbot.org/news/9044_application_51_rules/ , and it indeed says that the benchmark version of 1.0.0 is not allowed to be used.



    So I would like to confirm, is the submission of my friends is going to be blocked because his use of version 1.0 of the benchmark? If that were the case, would our submission before these submission still counted on the average? (IIRC, we did submit some scores with v1.1 before, but a lower score though)







  2. We were benching last 2 or 3 consecutive nights without getting any sleep (work during the day) and when the stages were finally over, I went to bed in the evening and woke up at 6 next morning...12+ hours of sleep :)


    I was hoping we can get that APU stage, but Indonesia managed to beat 3 of our scores. We could do better, but the asrock board died just 15 minutes after the start with the first APU to bench (6400K). It was really a gem with the best IMC from all our APUs (1400+) and really strong GPU (1400MHz 1.35V on water). 1800MHz should have been possible on LN2. Next day we got the Asus board, but there was not enough time to rebench it, if it's still alive. Other scores could have been better too, but we were limited in time and resources.


    For Aquamark stage we didn't have a good Bulldozer and Gigabyte boards were throttling with really high clocks, so I'm happy we managed to get the 3rd place.


    For 3DMark we simply didn't have enough time and suitable hardware. I tried to get some good score with the HD3850 on LN2, but something went wrong, so I had to post the single score on air produced 30 minutes before that. Not sure, but maybe the only team that managed to clock the memory on these stupid PCI 610 cards :P


    GunGod managed to get the Llano Catzilla score literally 10 minutes before the end. Additional 300-400 points were possible there as well.

    Thanks to my teammates for the hard work, now need to concentrate on the other stages :D


    Crazy work you've done bro! That 5400K + 6400K APU clock is awesome. Had you been able to squeeze more on the top end setup (Llano, Trinity and Richland), you guys would've won the stage.


    Respect man ;)

  3. Notebook is still doable for pi round, but that Aquamark FX is really hard for us to complete. Until today no sign of another 2 athlon FX (FX-55 + FX-60) to complete that stage. Have been around to old pc stores, 2nd-hand market, and found only one FX-62 but not the others. There's one FX-60 on ebay but the buyer won't ship to Indonesia. Argh :( :(

  4. Anyone get's a 6690D2 in GPU-Z combining a 3870K and a 6670 GPU in Hybrid crossfire... tried different versions of GPU-Z and drivers always the same 2 (1024 shared memory) or even 3GPUs ( 512 shared memory) pop up in the GPU-Z tab where it mentions Crossfire is enabled...


    plz don't tell me we need to install a special version of win7 to get it reading it out correctly :P




    Yeah man, I also don't get 6690D2 also by combining 6550D+6670, so I guess we can just put two GPU-Z tab for the clarification?

  5. I've started benching using ASUS M6E only a while ago(for HOT), and lost both of my best CPU on XTU bench. (Pretty sure it was the benchmark that kills and not the board, since I Also kill one 4770K on MPOWER MAX)


    But i want to ask, Did that 'fully manual mode'(not the max vcore) kills cpu more easier during heavy bench? or that options have no effect?

  6. 1) Yeah, different. 6620G is Sumo core.


    2) Good call! It is in fact Scrapper core (and 7640D is Scrapper too, but different generation). Made the distinction in the database, both count as different GPU cores.


    Thanks Mass :)


    So just to further clarify, we can use these APUs to fulfill the 5 submission requirement for Catzilla stage:

    1. A10-6800K / HD 8670D - devastator'

    2. A10-5800K / HD 7660D- devastator

    3. A8-3870K / HD 6550D - beaver creek

    4. A6-6400K / HD 8470D - scrapper'

    5. A6-5400K / HD 7540D - scrapper


    Is that right?

  7. Question:


    For the Catzilla AMD APU stage, I see that the HD 6550D is stated using 'BeaverCreek' Core, and HD 6620G using 'Sumo' Core (although GPU-Z will state both GPU using 'sumo' core) Does that mean those two is considered using two different cores?


    one more,


    According to hwbot, the HD 8470D is using Devastator' Core, but TPU Gpudb is listing this GPU using 'Scrapper' Core - which one was it was correct?


    Thanks a lot ;)

  8. Congratulations Everyone!


    Even after killing 2 of my best CPU, a Maximus VI Extreme and one Impact, I couldn't put up good scores to qualify :P :p. This was one of the toughest 2D challenge I've seen in this year, really CRAZY scores, with many gem CPU deaths (especially in XTU x_x). I say that those 5 overclockers on top really deserves to be in the Final. Vegas, baby! :D


    Looking forward to see the livestream on the finals ;)

  9. Hey all,


    Just to give a quick update on the Hynix MFR situation. Kingston and HWBOT just finished a conference call to discuss this problem, and the decision is to not allow any Hynix MFR for this competition. The goal of this competition is to make things fair for all participants. An official rule amendment will follow later this/next week. This is just a heads-up to prevent anyone from wasting time on MFR.


    Good one Mass, nice to see Kingston trying to level the playing field for everyone ;)

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