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Posts posted by Don_Dan

  1. On 11/4/2018 at 1:42 PM, richba5tard said:

    Tweaked the rev0 'classic' design and adjusted the user profile points section to reflect the career & season points on uat server. Next up: team pages.

    Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 13.40.00.png

    It's looking quite good, but I don't really like the impact of the competition points on the ranking. I think the algorithm should be changed to Top 30 submission points, to increase the importance of the normal scores and also broaden the amount of scores needed.

    By the way, which ranking (Career Ranking or xxxx Season) is used for:
    xxxx Leage?
    Global Masters? All global points?

    Regarding the Achievements, if they're too much load on the server, I guess no one would really miss them. At least I would be fine with scrapping them, if it makes HWBOT more responsive and more future-proof.

    Regarding what James said about benchmarks with global points, I'd say we should discuss it in a separate topic, but in general I agree with his statement and he already named some of the benchmarks that we should look at.

  2. I agree, after all a great score worth many points is still a great score after many years. This is especially true for the hardware points, where many records are many years old.

    In my opinion and as Albrecht has edited above, removal of the Hardware master league would cause a major outrage among the users. Is it that difficult to maintain and causing so much server load that it's better to cut it off?

  3. It isn't good to hear that there's a need to change the point algorithm again, but I understand where you're coming from, Frederik.

    I need to think about some things before I post them, but here are some thoughts:
    - Keep the competition points, as Albrecht said they're a nice motivator for people to participate in the competition.
    - Do I understand correctly, that for the new league position, you want to sum up all the points made in the respective year? I would propose the same approach for user, team and country ranking.
    Calculate Top 20 Global Points (/WR Points) + Top 20 Hardware points + Top 10 Competition Points. For the user ranking just the user in their respective league, for the team ranking the highest scores of all team members and for the country ranking the highest scores of all the countrymen.
    - Should we discuss getting rid of some of the benchmarks? PCMarks come to mind, or some of the many variants of the 3D benchmarks (lower end 3DMark and Catzilla).
    - Would it save coding work to get rid of oc-esports.io and host the competitions on HWBOT again? I mean, we use the normal HWBOT design etc. instead of the oc-esports.io one.
    - Can we get the global points back for 3DMark 06? :D

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