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Everything posted by trodas

  1. I just checked and in *shock* realized, that GTX 970 and GTX 980 have no image on HWbot! WTF! That call for fix. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_970/ At first I was like - well, I have to be objective and choose generic nVidia image to not side with some company (or being accused to do so). But upon checking the nVidia images there: http://www.geforce.com/sites/default/files-world/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-970-front.png http://www.geforce.com/sites/default/files-world/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-980-front.png I come to realize that these pictures are fakes. There is only the "7" chaging to "8" and each other pixel(s) are the same. So these nVidia images I did not want to be used, as they are clearly photoshoped fakes. Shame on you, nVidia! So to get more interesting images, I have to pick a sides. I decided that what company produced card, that get WR in Firestrike Extreme test, wins. In case of GTX 970, it is Asus: http://hwbot.org/submission/2759031_oclockdoc_3dmark___fire_strike_extreme_geforce_gtx_970_7113_marks 1962MHz core, cool. So for GTX 970, the image is this: http://www.asus.com/cz/Graphics_Cards/STRIXGTX970DC2OC4GD5/gallery/ (a bit cleaned up, as they cannot seems even take a picture of clean (no dust) card, lol) Enjoy, I hope?
  2. That looks far better and one can actually get a rough idea of how the mainboard looks in reality Thank you very much.
  3. Thank you. HWBot page looks nicer now, with the image
  4. Very nice! Now just some scores... ))
  5. With 12744 submissions (wow!) on such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/maximus_iv_extreme/ ...a little bit better image was need to be there, IMHO. I suggesting that this one is far better that the rotated small piece of...: Exchange it?
  6. 16122 submissions of this legendary mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/rampage_iv_extreme/ ...and no image of it? Fix, pls! :celebration:
  7. Well, they offer (from the VII range) an: Maximus VII Ranger Maximus VII Hero Maximus VII Gene Maximus VII Formula Maximus VII Impact I honestly believe that this is pretty much enought for everyone... except you Yes, Extreme is not present. But mayone someone at Asus / HWBot staff know more that we, or know more that can publically admit, so I leave the possibility of my mistake open I just stumbled upon this, as it seems to be a mainboard, that does not exist (at least yet, maybe Asus will hear your thoughts and give us an Extreme versions of their mainboards? Who knows ).
  8. Looks like someone get a bit "carried away" and added a Asus Maximus VIII Extreme mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/maximus_viii_extreme/ Tought it have and remain to have a zero submissions, the main problem is, that the mobo does not exist: http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/ROG_Series_Products/ The ROG series end up with number VII (seven), but the mainboard in question is VIII (eight). I believe that this is mistake... or someone have some Asus special info and they are planing to extend the Maximus saga of ROG mainboards to the VIII series and HWbot is preparing in advance? In that case, pls strike the thread
  9. 1364 submissions for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/maximus_vii_formula/ ...and no image of such interesting mobo? Fix need! :nana:
  10. 0 submissions (zero!) for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/z97-ws/ ...perhaps and image is greatly need to fix that?
  11. 0 submissions (zero!) for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/maximus_viii_hero/ ...perhaps and image is need to fix that? :celebration:
  12. Great, much nicer Thank you very much!
  13. 469 submissions for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/z97-pro_gamer/ ...and no image? Fix is need:
  14. Hoooray, thank you very much
  15. Much nicer, thanks!
  16. Another experimenting round So, despite my dislike for Windows 7, I give them a chance. First problem is, that WMP 9 install does NOT work under Win 7 64bit: (now with cool music ) This is somewhat surprising and serious setback, because w/o WMP, the PCMark04 will fail to work Later I tried (despite not meeting the requirments to sucesfull PCMark04 run yet) the Affinity by time & PCMark04 runs. It does not work, exactly as on WinXP SP 3 - it just does nothing. The Win7 install is not tweaked with at all, fresh, not even installed GFX drivers or sound drivers, lol. Fresh. Still no go: As anyone can see, I did plenty of runs... and always I get only a fail... Setting affinity by taskmanager will do nothing. However! This was just a prelude... when I run PCMark04 on one core with fail, and then set it to run on another core - I get the Grammar test to pass for the very fist time....! :nana: (with even more cool music ) Dunno what to make out of it, but it looks like that there IS a possibility to make sucesfull PCMark04 run - altrough the performance will be crippled by using only one core (Grammar run give 6 022 kb/sec time - is that good or bad or mediocre result?). Looks like that I have to do about 100 runs, and once it might pass and that will be the score that I cannot ever repeat, lol. This is pretty touchy benchmark! :celebration: Now what about the WMP? WMP 9 refuse to install on Windows 7. WMP 10 also refuse to install on Win7, claiming that this is only for 32bit WinXP! What a.... I wanted 64bit WMP 11, but got only generic x86 install (wmp11-windowsxp-x86-CS-CZ.exe) with - on top of that - fail to install again. Hopefully someone have an english x64bit install of any WMP that will work for me I try searching harder (and again), but a little help (PM perhaps?) could not hurt :ws:
  17. 522 submissions for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/z97-pro/ ...and no image? Fix is need: :celebration:
  18. 1519 submissions for such nice mobo: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/z97-a/ ...and no image? Fix is need: :celebration:
  19. Also very recent case - Radeon R9 290 can be unlocked to R9 290X: http://www.overclock.net/t/1443242/the-r9-290-290x-unlock-thread So in theory... things can work. Also - reading the changing of GTX 690 to Quadro K5000 by changing the device id of 0x1188 makes me remember, that Forceware 45.28 beta drivers did not support FX 5600XT card, so I just added the support by editing the nv4_disp.inf file by adding the FX 5600XT recognition into them So things like that are quite well possible still up to todays. Setting device ID by resistors is interesting. Hacking the drivers install to see that device as another device is also possible. In my case the drivers see "FX 5600XT" as "FX 5600." Simple. Works. Period.
  20. ObscureParadox - That is doubtfull on 2G of ram. But I might give this a try. Certainly I did not managed PCMark work on WinXP SP3 ATM. So no Win7, just WinXP. Mr.Scot - Share link in PM, perhaps? Is PCMark04 working on these tiny tiny XP? And what about the Affinity in time program?
  21. That could be the difference between working and not working
  22. K404 - oh, thanks for the vid, I missed it for the first time! Nice one! Working as expected (mainly the commands are getting executed and are into the history, unlike on mine PC). Yes, the second core did not drop that much in load, but as demonstration it is fine. Thank you. However that was a Win Vista or Win7 system, right? (I should probably reinstall my WinXP and try that again on unmodified system... or better yet, fire a Filemon and look, what dll's or stuff are need and not found...) All this is not that hot for me, because the major problem is, that when I set affinity using task manager, then it still does not help PCMark04 grammar test to pass. And when it does, then I need still reinstall for the IE, lol And as for the picture rule - same goes for Mr.Scott - well, I did not screaming that all these scores should be purged, do I? I did not posting in the OC crime that these scores should be gone for good either. I not meant that, I was just raising my objections, that given the Futuremark "stab in the back", these scores are now hard to verify. Of course when they are added with the link, then it is likely that they are verified by someone and they are genuine. Even that the link is gone now... I was just basically looking at way(s), how to make PCMark04 work for me, so I hoped that maybe I can catch some know-how But sadly there is very few informations I manage to gather
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