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Everything posted by trodas

  1. Superb! You are welcome!
  2. This old little clunker deserve a nice image to represent: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ms-6340/ ...and there it is: Thanks! PS. I vaguely remember, that it was once there: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=87039 ...but somehow disappeared?!
  3. BUMP for the comment problem. There are few scores I would very much like comment on... And I bet autors of the overclocks will be delighted to hear praising words for their great work!
  4. Bump for image! And thumbs up for extra overclock: 662.82MHz (+120.94%) !!! Celeron 300 is known for crazy overclocks, but this is simply amaizing! ...I wonder, what the 2.368V for Vcore are cooled Pics, Kojima45? (of course I can read that this is "Single Stage Phase Change Cooling" ... but seeing is believing ) PS. Before I knew about HWbot, I reached 601MHz on AIR: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=177201 Abit BX133-R with replaced caps: http://trodas.wz.cz/index.php?act=ST&f=16&t=426
  5. Aaaargh! To add insult to injury, when Core2Duo CPU is inserted (yes, mine Core 2 Extreme X6800 made it to me from China), the mainboard completely block ALL ram clock changes, FORCING the 3:2 divider as FSB:ram locked divider...! Therefore now I do not need rams that are good in overclocking (or at least on certain HW). Now I need could get a little boost only by getting 200MHz rams (PC3200) that can do 2-2-2-5 at 2.7V (that exclude rams with BH-5, BH-6 chips). My ram is running at 190MHz now. Only. 286FSB. If by pimping the mobo with good caps I could hope to get 300MHz FSB, then I get 200MHz on the rams... default X6800: http://valid.canardpc.com/d6wa6r - 2.93GHz stable: http://valid.canardpc.com/rjg1fw - 3.14GHz benchable: http://valid.canardpc.com/i68sc4 - 3.25GHz max OC: http://valid.canardpc.com/557qcn - 3.29GHz So a 2-2-2-5 chips are the only way to slightly improve the performance... and that it is. I run my OCZ at 2-3-2-5 now, even tightening few of the advanced timings to get more out of them. Still that feels like being cheated - I expected the possibility of FSB:ram as 1:1, so a 266MHz rams should fly there... On the other hand, a R 9600XT made it too, and it is a beautifull little card: And even she is full od bad caps (small are G-Luxons and big ones are Licons), she already score some interesting scores: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_9600_xt/ So I think I will like it a lot
  6. And now they works! Hooray for the fix! Thanks!
  7. Indeeed nice. Please add image of Abit SH6: I did not managed to find a better one (source + slightly cropped/rotated: http://overclock.pl/articles/show/id/513,5,12,plyty-niestandardowe ), but maybe Kojima45 could take a better image?
  8. Guys, something went wrong. No submission is possible. Tried PiFast, WinRAR and MaxxMem. All fail to this: What is wrong?
  9. 3DMark 1999 and 2000 are not points awarded bench? What the...
  10. Ah! So I quessed it right! Now... I still have to report a bug, because I get 0 points, not 2.0 points And see also there, how many zero point scores there are 1st ones http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/pm8m3-v/ Heheh, you wish!
  11. Yep, I see that it is just the time that get reseted... (hopefully nothing more) And I had to report that, because it is not true that I joined in the year 1970 But it is a funny bug never the less. How come your join date is fine? (May 2007 - just in case it get down too, lol)
  12. On my nick, I have this information: Join Date: Jan 1970 Location: Czech republic Posts: 424 Achievement unlocked - oldest HWbot user :nana: Sure I could claim, that I'm the oldest HWbot user... ever But... there are few little problems with that: - I was born in 1975, lol (time to edit my profile and claim that I was born in 1968 and used computers while being 2 years old ) - HWbot did not exist in 1970 (or did it?) - internet did not exist in 1970 (DARPA was not _THAT_ advanced, lol) - computers in the years did not looked like there could be benchmarks run on them... or maybe, let's bench how fast the operator can program the computer? ( http://s17.postimage.org/i76vs9227/computer_from_1960.jpg ) - I did not joined so quickly ... Okay, jokes aside. It is clear, that my join date was reseted somehow to the linux beginning of counting the time I have no idea, what happend and it is quite cool bug anyway I would almost say... keep it that way. But on the other hand, it is a bug, so I have to (reluctantly) report it No rush to fix this, unless it cause some errors there and elsewhere...
  13. Guys, it is not like I do overclocking for some points... I do it for fun of pushing hardware and finding the limits... and then moding the hardware and finding the limits again So, screw points. However... it just make me wonder ... on what the points are based? A good example: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_9600_xt/ So in short, for 1st place in Aquamark, user got 7.2pts... for 1st place in 3DMark 01 user got 10.4pts... for 1st place in 3DMark 03 user got 9.4pts... for 1st place in 3DMark 05 user got 8.4pts... for 1st place in 3DMark 06 user got 4.6pts. And zero pts for 1st place in 3DMark 99 and 3DMark 00 :celebration: It that about right, or it is calculated based on ... what? Number of participating users, or what...?
  14. We all like to see, what R9 390X can offer. I mean... first time, that anyone do a card, that: - use HBM rams - use 4096bit wide memory bus - use 4096 stream processors ...if that thing is not going to be Titan X buster, then AMD have to seriously explain, why. At least when nVidia cheats and DX11 are not in the play, the R9 chips have to excel over Titan X. The features level of modern AMD GFX chips excel already:
  15. HW bot Aquamark wrapper crash each time on Core 2 Extreme X6800 CPU. I'm reasonably sure, that it is because of the CPU for these reasons: - same mainboard, OS, ram & GFX card (everything) + Pentium 4 650 = it worked - it does not matter what clock the CPU is running or what GFX card are used (FX 5600XT, R 9600 XT) - on the very same machine the original Aquamark 3 is working well: ... I also tried not installing it (eg. reinstalling it, after windows reinstall) - it only lose the nice black skin, yet it still crash each time with this message: No idea, what to do... but pls hit me with sobe debug version or something... because I feel like that I can break some records. Already own few there: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_9600_xt/ ...and hoping for more
  16. PS. might be false positive, as the Win32.Expiro.102 is spreading rapidly do the D drive, so maybe are just one for the 3DMarks infected... I deleted all to be sure and get my backups... For removal / detection this free tool works best: http://free.avg.com/cz-cs/remove-win32-expiro ...and Cinebench 11.5 speed w/o Win32.Expiro.102 jumped from 0.64 ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2864777_ ) to 1.72 points ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2866191_trodas_cinebench___r11.5_core_2_x6800_(2.93ghz)_1.72_points ) ...
  17. So, when tracking down where I get infected with the cursed Win32.Expiro.102 virus, I ended with situation, where my benching ASRock mobo have an absolutely clean WinXP install + drivers, tested by Dr. Web Cure it repeatedly and no virus. Then I run 3DMark 1999, freshly downloaded from HWbot page, and during the test, there are jerks. Lower (26k for R9900XT and Core2Duo X6800 Extreme a bit too low) score as well. Then I run Dr. Web and ... 300+ instances of virus Win32.Expiro.102 are found. ... That leave not much room for doubt, but hopefully I'm somewhat mistaken. Pls run the app in sandbox only, I'm 99,999% positive it is infected If found to be true, pls replace with clean wersion, as HWbot should not be known to spread viruses ...and I'm very sorry if this is somehow proven to be wrong, but I already downloaded 3DMark 1999 from HWbot 3 times and always end with virus. /me off to try my old backups for these old 3DMarks and we see, if a virus are there again... (before ask, yes, D drive was formatted (1T is too long for format, lol) before the repeated test to be absolutely SURE this did not come from it or any other computer AND the computer is off the network completely and never was connected to network in the first place - just testing mobo on the desk...)
  18. Getting to realize that all my 3DMarks seems to be infected, I looked for clean versions. HWbot come to mind and on page: http://hwbot.org/submit I clicked on the diskete under the: 3DMark2001 SE I got error, as trying to download exe file produced a warning: https://bitly.com/a/warning?url=http%3a%2f%2fdownloads.hwbot.org%2fdownloads%2fbenchmarks%2f3DMark2001-SE.exe&hash=1BRF9nA ...and the link itself did not work: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/benchmarks/3DMark2001-SE.exe ... Fix is easy: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/benchmarks/3DMark2001-SE.rar That link does work /me off to installing
  19. There DO exist 18 cores machines anyway: :D (Imagine that rendering speed using not 18, but 36 cores (dual CPU mobo) ....! Some records will be broken ) ...and the Cinebench 15 score 2468 is fantastic!
  20. I wish I can afford to go, it might be groundbreaking. There is a chance for AMD R9 390X with HBM rams as well, as nVidia GTX 980 Ti (where the perfornace is expected between GTX 980 and Titan X, where I expect more from HBM rams and 4096 stream processors ). Oh, well. Time to fix my infected PC.
  21. When you realize, that most of the scores you made recently, are flawed (read - slower that they can be), becuse of damn virus Win32.Expiro.102, then comes the RAGE! I realized that something is wrong, when during 3DMark 2000 / 2001 are there serious slow-downs to the point that framerate fall from 250 - 300fps to few fps like 8 or 9 ... Grrr! (now is time to find, where I get infected and what I downloaded that IS infacted )
  22. life on the internet
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