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Everything posted by trodas

  1. here fishy fishy
  2. Much nicer, time to bug ASRock to support HWbot to get prettier image, tough
  3. I would like to share first impressions of using old Intel Xeon X5650 CPU in MSI X58 Pro-E mobo. First at all, the mobo and Xeon is really fool-proof. I was not sure, what base FSB set to boot, so from the 133 - 166 and 200MHz settings I picked the middle. But that X5650 should be run at 133x200 = 2660, not 166x20 But it works just like that... My first Memtest run on MSI X58 Pro-E: Hopefully you guys at least having at least good laugh. When I fixed the settings, I get 10 800MB/sec speeds w/o any tweaking or overclocking, but this first run was kind of fun I had to borrow ram from gaming computer for the testing, the triple channel kit is en route... Also is very surprising, how cold the CPU run. 32°C CPU temp? WTF... But chipset is heating up pretty well, time to remove the gum crap TIM and apply AS2 Since my rams are still on the route, so I was just toying with the mobo. WinXP refused to see my HDD, so I had to install Win7 32bit stripped down version, as I'm starting to navigate in the bios options http://valid.canardpc.com/jksvby SuperPi 1M run is 11.1 something sec, but that is nothing Earthshaking, as typical is 9sec: http://hwbot.org/benchmark/superpi_-_1m/rankings?hardwareTypeId=motherboard_22706&cores=#start=0#interval=20 But the multithreading is, where the Xeon shine: But gosh, this thing IS fast when come to threads! A good example is wPrime 1024M test it pass in 2min 33sec (3664MHz), while the i5 750, overclocked to 3578MHz (as much, as is possible to cool down relatively quietly), need 4min 41sec! http://hwbot.org/submission/2934743_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2587091_ And I did not even start to overclock the Xeon (okay, it is a bit overclocked, but that is nothing), much less use the triplechannel ram subsystem... heck, I did not even installed mainboard and GFX card drivers, lol... 12 threads owns on 6 cores. Yay for Xeon multicores performance :banana: :ws: People really should try these Xeons. Even that they are probably no match in single thread performance for some highly clocked i5/i7 CPU's, the multithreaded benchmarks is theirs arena :woot:
  4. ABS make difference
  5. Well, I would *love* to made a voltmod, but since sourcing components will take me easily half year or so (just check this Mouser order, made 15.6.2015: http://cz.mouser.com/OrderHistory/OrderDetail.aspx?qs=9C%2fvjDbyW3V1fmZ4G2SNFokJWM6STzNO and expecting to wait another 4 months to delivery even the basic parts for the recap...!), then Vdimm mod is out of the question ATM. Simply cannot be done w/o the much need components. That it is. AMD did not offer comparable speed to Core 2 Duo CPU's, so I took the Intel conterpart there. I doubt that rams did not affect the score, even slight secondary timings change 3DMark01 results for me. So to get very best of the mobo, I need rams that are capable of tight timings (when I'm limited by the FSB reachable). I also noticed that many took the wrong approach and tried the higher ram clocks, but they SUXX, because even that they are higher, the chipset turn into 2T mode (not changable) and results suxx: DDR2 G.Skills give 2243 MB/sec on default (5:8, 262MHz), but fall down to 1849 MB/sec on the 667MHz setting (1:2, 328MHz). That is where most people fail and their results can be easily beated. Very easily I already tried some preliminary tests and they are "blown away" The weak Vcore regulator can be greatly improved by using quality caps and adding the missing caps. There is no question about it. And same there, ASRock 775Dual-VSTA does not let me to change Vcore. I have to mod it. Fortunetely, there is a VERY simple offet mod there: http://forums.vr-zone.com/hardware-depot/192571-volt-mod-done-right-asrock-775dual-vsta-l6714.html Just replace the "0" resistor with higher one. How much higher Vcore depend on this formula: Current CPU Vcore x (1 + 3 000/resistor value in ohms) = resulting CPU core. So a 43k resistor gives +6.9% Vcore, 36k resistor gives +8.3% Vcore and 20k resistor could give +15% Vcore, but not stocked. 22k (RT0603BRD0722KL) is available and give serious +13.6% boost of Vcore. But waiting for such components is tiresome... W/O quality components is the board as good, as dead. With them, I believe, it will shine BTW, your board Vcore regulator has 4 phases and looks relatively good: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=398973 So it must be the caps that bring it down with over 1.475Vcore... PS. preparing ASRock 775Dual-VSTA to voltage measurments in order to determine best caps replacements: See the stolen white caps near the CPU? That is the key... :-) Also from bottom, there is place for two tantal-polymer 470uF 2.5V supercaps. Expect results that blow everyone away (hopefully, unless I'm mistaken badly) On the top of that, the board accept Intel Q6600 with the latest 3rd party bios. That will kick all of the scores, that are ready for more threads (wPrime 32M, wPrime 1024M, PCMark Vantage, 3DMark Vantage - Performance, Cinebench 2003, Cinebench 11.5, Cinebench 15, HWbot prime and possibly PCMark 2005, 3DMark 05 and 3DMark 06) and in that case, any better timing on the rams WILL play a huge role, as the memory bandwitch will become the limiting factor there. Just look what Massman says above: Now I respect him greatly for his work and if HE determined, that the memory bandwith is the KEY - who I'm to doubt that? If he is selling these ASRock boards or memories, then I will be dubious (sales pitch), but as far, as I know, he have no compeling reason to distort his findings in any way, shape or form and if I have two memory-bandwitch hungry cores in my E8600 that arrived, then you can bet your arse that increasing timing by any primary setting cause great slow-down in the tests that required memory.And most of them does. Now imagine how 4 hungry cores in Q6600 want! You bet it - memory bandwitch or death! So reaching 3-2-2-8 timings with DDR2, or 2-2-2-5 with DDR1 (witchever will be faster) is, IMHO, imperative to get best result. But it will be the test results that will either prove or disprove what I claim And a little hint you see above, that there will be hardly any CPU-memory related score that remain untouched by me... Sure, some reached 4.8GHz ( http://hwbot.org/submission/2349103_p.a.s.s.a.t_cpu_frequency_pentium_e5800_%283.2ghz%29_4802.19_mhz ), but not with seriously powerfull CPU E5800 is good (x16 multi) for overclock, but IMHO lack the cache to compete in CPU benches... but I might be proven wrong soon However using 187.6MHz (8:5) DDR1 rams at 3-3-3-7 timings determined that there will be not much powerfull results anyway. PS: interesting thread about zombie mod of ASRock 775Dual-VSTA: http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2545
  6. Poor ASRock AM2NF3-VSTA mainboard does not have an image: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/am2nf3_vsta/ So there is one to make this board more happy: After all, not much AM2+ boards allow AGP benching, right?
  7. 211MHz you say? Great at 2-2-2! That is kinda close, but to beat that score I posted above, one need 220MHz 2-2-2 rams. No BUTs or IFs, 220MHz 2-2-2-7 or that score cannot be beaten Gradus says that they mostly hate cold, so I did not expecting better results with cold, but you are welcome to try. Maybe different chips react good with cold? Dunno. Cold usually helps (less noise in the chip), but who knows...? Time to find these magic modules... Out of curiosity, what capacity/label/chip type are these good 211MHz 2-2-2 ones?
  8. First at all, congratulations! This is a perfect example, how with good caps one can improve SuperPi results greatly. Congratulation, sir! (and hopefully the Czech beer Krušovice helped too, lol... hi from Czech republic to mother Russia!) Second - the score is IMHO possible to beat (or come close) only using better rams. Luck, finding a 220MHz capable SDRAMs with 2-2-2-7 timings are pretty low. This ram you used is priceless, even that it need 3.85V to achieve 216MHz 2-2-2 timings. Godlike!
  9. Oh, okay. However your experience with ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 is hardly relavant to ASRock 775Dual-VSTA. The 939Dual-SATA2 use ULI northbridge and IMC in the AMD socket 939 CPU: http://www.asrock.com/mb/ULi/939Dual-SATA2/ While 775Dual-VSTA use VIA PT880 Pro in northbridge as memory controller: http://www.asrock.com/mb/VIA/775Dual-VSTA/ ...witch is completely different thing... errr, chip. So I'm not dismissing your clam, that Cellshocks might be the best bet there at all. I just sayng, that based on experience with entierly different board it does not look valid for me. However it is true, that I cannot yet find a user with ASRock 775Dual-VSTA _and_ Crucial Ballistic rams in it. But IIRC Cellshocks have also the Micron D9G chips, so they should be similar in performance as these Crucials with Micron D9G chips. So it depends, witch of these rams could get tighter timings at crappy 2.05V, witch is the maximum voltage w/o modding the board provice. Or, more precisely, how far 3-2-2-8 timings they can run stable. That is the key, since higher clock rating come with the nasty forced 2T timings, so...
  10. load and saviour cthulhu
  11. Wow. That made the board somewhat ready for very serious overclocks! I starting to like it, but getting 2-2-2-7 at 216MHzis kinda rare: http://hwbot.org/submission/2533637_gradus_superpi___1m_pentium_3_1.4ghz_s_56sec_702ms Need absolutely amaizing rams, tough ))
  12. Well, this project is not into any hurry - getting the components to recap will take weeks, if not months... Yep, TCCD kit is wellcome too As for the ASRock DDR2 rams compatibility, there is an bios option, that should allow more compatibility, but I fear that it hurt speed. Also you can read there ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=396986&postcount=6 ), how it take to get a G.Skill DDR2 800 (F2-6400CL4D-2GBPK) kit (2x1G) to work at 3-3-3-10 latencies (rated 4-4-4-12, but at 400MHz). So I'm ready for some troubles On the other hand, did I say anything about wanting Tracers? I said Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 kit
  13. ways to ask for money
  14. And is the 16FD5 kit with the clips? I would be gladly waiting to know, what are the results. But you probably cannot beat the Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 kit with anything else, when come to low latency/low voltage cases. Witch is why I want it. You even have the Cellshocks... that is cool. Don_Dan said that you had quite a collection, before you starting selling IIRC the Micron D9G chips are rated by Micron to 1.8V and max the board support is 2.05V, witch is somewhat low. I seen some other kits offering a very tight timings, but mostly they need the "juice" to keep them. I did not going very high (at last not with the old S775 CPU's, might be different with more recent ones, depending on the dividers the VIA PT880 Pro chipset offer) with clocks, but 3-3-3-10 G.Skill rams with PSC chips aren't really show anything over DDR1 rams at 3-3-2-8 ... In the end, it looks like there will be a comparsion between TCCD - as the only DDR1 sticks, that at 5x512MB offer a tight timings in up to 2.73V - (DDR1, 2-2-2-5 - 5:6) and D9G (DDR2, 3-2-2-8 at higher clock, because 5:8): http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=139107 That is how these will be used. Interesed?
  15. For old testing/download PC I would like quiet cooler, something like Thermalright SI-97A (or Gigabyte G-Power Pro or Gigabyte G-Power BL with Socket A bracet): http://www.hartware.de/media/reviews/427/si97_quad_heatpipe.jpg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835109124 The cooler must have the top-down airflow, so it cool the hot mosfets and caps near the CPU (they are heated up pretty much) and also it have to accept at least 92mm fan (for replacement to quiet Noiseblocker fan). The most problematic part is, that the Soltek SL-KT600-R mainboard have NO HOLES near that CPU socket, so only heatsinks that attach to the ZIF socket are usable. The Zalman CNPS 7000Cu is not usable as well, as many other CPU heatsinks that require these nice installation holes... damn. So, suggestions? And no, ebay search turned out as no results for Thermalright SI-97A Another possible solution is Gigabyte G-Power Pro cooler: http://www.frostytech.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1904 Now it does provide the mosfet cooling (hoooooray!) and the Pro version have Socket A (462) support! Hoooray. I want it. Sadly I find they selling only the Lite versions in Czech shops, so I think I have to look elsewhere. The "Pro" version definitively support K7 (Socket A/Socket 462 - whatever you can call it) IMHO the Lite vesion just does not have the clip's, but getting anyone that do have the K7 clip for Gigabyte G-Power cooler might be quite a challenge, but when I find that guy, I can buy the lite version of the cooler... Yet another possible solution is Gigabyte G-Power BL (GH-PDU21-SC), but seems only old version of it have the K7 bracket: K7 All Series Todays sold versions do NOT have it: Replaced by K8 All Series... Witch make me wonder, if anyone have either one of these coolers (with K7 bracket), or spare K7 bracket for them
  16. For old-school overclocking experiment I need 2x1G Crucial Ballistix DDR2 sticks, however they have to be the better bins (hence 1066) and double sided with good chips (hence 16FD5). I have no interest in the new ones, w/o the clips on heatspreader. (oldest ones = big, standard clips, great; old ones = small sized clips, good; new ones = no clip = worthless rubbish) I also have no interest with the modern single sided chips (8F5, etc.), as they are simply rubbish: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/249869-30-crucial-ballistix-defective We've simply stopped making the 16-chip modules. It is no longer cost effective. Well I am extremely disaspointed that a different product would get marketed as the same product. The aim is to be able run them at low voltage (2.1V, possibly even lower 2.05V) and around 300MHz with 3-2-2-8 1T timings, like they managed up to 340MHz there in review: http://www.anandtech.com/show/1951/7 And I was told, that the only chance is to use rams with Micron D9Gxx chips, as most can do 400 MHz 3-3-3-9 (on P45, Auto subtimings). Other (tested) ways to reach same goal are accepted too, but not until a proof od the concept is shown.
  17. Customs problem can be solved: all what is need is, that seller mark this as gift, describe it as used electronics (no lie there anyway) and specify it as worth 20$. That it is. You are into the customs-free zone now. The only lie is about the price, as good kits like that are worthy more. Good luck with your search, tough.
  18. Thanks!
  19. Thanks, much nicer!
  20. traitor jailed
  21. Since Mouser did not have even stocked the best 2200uF 2.5V Nichicon polymers for Vcore output as well, as 330uF 16V Nichicon polymers for Vcore input (470uF polymers have lower ripple, so... no) - yes, these PLG0E222MDO1TD, RNU1C331MDN1 - then I cannot continue with the mod, unless I get the need caps. Waiting time is currently at 15 weeks... So I contacted Nichicon directly there: http://www.nichicon.co.jp/english/contact/index.html And if anyone like my mods and would like to see, how this continue (how more overclock I gain with good caps, etc.), then it might be a good time to drop them a line or two, that could potentionaly make them agree to supply me with the much need caps. I write this, out of sheer desperation with the neverending waitings for few (but much need!) components: A little sponsoring could not hurt and things could finally MOVE ON. But... it depends on what other people do, so... are you tired of waiting? There is the chance to kill the wait.
  22. Sometimes on cheapo GeForce 210 cards are used DDR2 memory. Mine have it. And I'm quite sure that GDDR3 would bench better, because I get only 31 465 marks in 3DMark 99 at 760/650MHz, while another fella got 54 490 marks in 3DMark 99 at only 705/485Mhz with same DDR2 videorams. But in mine ones, the GPU-Z says "DDR2 (Samsung)", while his card show only "DDR2." Sadly it seems that his card run at PCIE x16, while mine suxx at PCIE x8 speed: And yep, I noticed that he got 4.5GHz i7 (while I get suxxking 3.78GHz i5), witch is why he won so easily.
  23. So nice oldschool mobo and it did not have a picture yet: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/tusl2_c/ That call for quick fix, as there is good image of the mainboard: :celebration:
  24. Out of curiosity... since when Asus TUSL2-C can do 3.7V on the poor rams? You did some voltmods, did not you? Like these? https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rom.by%2Fforum%2FAsus_Tusl2-c_POST_C0_dalee_sireny_zvuk_V_kakuju_storonu&edit-text=
  25. Deal done, now I just work on the payment, ready the shipping box, pls
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