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Posts posted by SoF

  1. ...you think about hiring somebody to upload your scores... :D


    ...you have more hardware on the desk than friends on facebook...


    ...you are not sure anymore how many SandyB1tches you have binned...


    ...you beat Andre Yang in Pro-OC league on a saturday afternoon...


    ...you feel like hwbot-moderators are your friends :P


    ...you have Christian Ney in your hwbot-forum-friendlist :celebration:

  2. Honestly I am tired of writing / talking about rankings, points and all that. So I will just say to what I agree from first page:


    I don't think it's our task to reduce the expenses of overclocking as much as possible.


    The system works the following way atm: you get globals for your 15 best submissions in each category, and 1-4 GPU for benchmark X are counted as 4 different categories. This means you can choose your battles. If you run 1-4-way of some benchmark, then you've got 11 more benchmarks that count for your total. In the end, if you want the maximum number of boints, you can't rely on 3/4-way runs - you need to have a few singlecard runs too, as they're worth alot more points because of the extra competition. The only advantage "rich" people have with the new system is that they have a few more choices compared to people who can't afford 3/4-way rigs - but there are still plenty of other benchmarks to run if 3/4-way is out of reach.


    (cpuz, superpi 1m & 32m, pifast are 4, 1->6x PCMark05, wPrime 32m & 1024m = another 18. 01, 03, 05, 06, Vantage, 11, Heaven, Am3 for dual + singleGPU = another 16, so the total for people on a budget: 38 benchmarks. Compare this with the 15 you need for your profile)


    Even though this is not a perfect system, it's still better than the old one - where you HAD to run singlecard because of the extra points. It's much more flexible now.




    FYI, for the 3DMark Vantage ranking


    - 1xGPU => 33.6pts needs rank #36

    - 2xGPU => 33.7pts needs rank #19

    - 3xGPU => 33.6pts need rank #3

    - 4xGPU => 33.7pts need rank #3

    - 4xGPU => 34.9pts need rank #9 (with 15 3DWR points)


    So, even in the multi-gpu categories you need decent ranks to match 'average' score in 1xGPU. With 7970 the rankings are a bit skewed now, though ... but that's always the case.


    Shows the "point-balance" very good.

    Even I have 2x 580 GTX here, I will not go sky high with just a third or fourth one on X79...


    I think there's no point to adjust the rankings any more .. what you can achieve by 'skill' other guy can compensate with money/luck, so we'll be back to square one again.


    If you see it that way it was a triangle before and never will be a circle as much as everybody wants it to be...


    Why weird?

    To be #3 .... is needed to be a very good overclocker???...or is needed to have multi cards???

    The best overclocker of the world need to have multi cards??? (thats a pity,... I think I always will fight to keep in top 20...never top 5)


    To become #1 you first of all need MONSTER CPU...everything else will come itself...ever remarked that the one on top usually also has the best CPU(s)?

    And considering the choices you have you need max 2 cards to make your way on top (01, AM3, 05, 06 - all CPU-bound, 03 needs 3 cards...)


    I understand the point of view and I think the complaint is valid in a way. But, as others already said, it's all a matter of opinion: some will say multi-gpu benching should be less rewarded, others will say they should be rewarded more. It's just not possible to figure out a system where everyone is 100% happy. Anyway, the essence of a competition is that the organiser makes up a set of rules and the participants tries to figure out how to play within that set of rules. The participant should adapt to the game, the game shouldn't adapt to the participants.


    well said - the rules have been changed over and over again...time to get some kinda "stability" in there.

  3. With a ratio of "1x 57 in 7" you are in much better shape than a lot people I know who binned "old" Sandy...I didn't catched one in around 20 chips :(




    It seems your chance finding a good chip is higher when you pick one batch and work through it.

    My best quote for good chips also was when having a bunch of same serial / batch where I hit 3/5 with 55x...but you can be a bit unlucky if a batch "hardwalls" around a certain point as general quality isn't at the sweet spot...

  4. "first post" bug in forums is back again.


    yepp I just remarked that as well - you post a comment from main page (directly to a challenge or result) and it will not be shown in the forum index. only when you are directly in the topic of the forum you will see all new posts.


    sometimes a bit hard to track all new comments but a minor issue for me.


    the new challenge feature seems to be cool. Keep creating several GPU-challenges for everyone - I'm in when there is some time and I have the right card ;) there are some additional options you might want to have while creating one. but as I already read this is going to be improved :cool:

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