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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. thanks mass that answered my question. yea good idea Ney, cause 1155 better option than searching p67 and z68 and etc
  2. Hey massman! Is there still a way to search for the top motherboard in a category? Like how can i search socket 1155 top blck result. and in the past you can search for Gigabyte ud4, then see the top score with that mainboard in any benchmark, like pifast, 3dmark06, etc etc. Not too dramatic. Just an easy way to find out top results with specific mobo's
  3. welldone gunslinger. Don't forget verifcation URL! I'm url police i don't want people to get sad that their results arent valid
  4. Excellent result again slamms! just remember verification URL or your score Monday won't be valid. waiting for more
  5. i meant kintaro rofl. i just saw the flag my bad...
  6. Diabolo and his 1200core 260 . But astridis tweaking is quite something else
  7. for the GB boards you need to type in 1003 at the BLCK. That gives 100 flat. Try it!
  8. excellent score man! Must we have verification for 3Dmark11 in top 20?
  9. duuuuuude! almost 5.7 Thats how you clock a cpu
  10. omw! so leet! Why didnt i see this before . Thats just awesome man. and other benches? what does your strongest 580 do?
  11. thats what i like about it. pure powa! and ofcourse only performance preset lol.
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