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Everything posted by Mafio

  1. yes, you are right, i forgot the D.
  2. nah, no way to run 32M with my Hypers even on this EVGA. but except for that i'm quite happy, this board is alot better than the gigacrap i had before. it's much more stable, can boot straight at high BCLK and have onboard buttons and display.
  3. i bought this stuff because i wanted Elpida BBSE, yesterday they arrived and f(l)uck, Elpida Hyper so still no go in 32M...what a pita... another pretty useless Hyper kit to add to my collection lol part number is: F3-17000CL8D-4GBXMD a friend of mine have an oldest kit with Elpida BBSE and 6 layer black PCB, mine here have 8 layer green PCB. if you want them give a look at memoryc, i bought mine from them and they have plenty in stock.
  4. so, you funny man didn't asked for my and Iron's telephone number 2 days ago ? keep going with these bullshit, keep going you overlord and god of overclocking. and yes, i'm enjoying university so so much, there there are lots of nice girls to play with...but to be honest i'm also enjoying this thread because of all your funny posts. edit: ah, and if you have something to tell me, use PM or e-mail, telephone is for friends and girls...and you aren't friend nor girl asd
  5. nice writeup asd ya, i see how you are always respectful, i see it... and, trust me, stop bullshitting and insulting me cause i don't give a fuck about what you and the rats like you think about me. edit: @durso: nice one asd
  6. wooooot, my nick is on the title of a thread opened by the overlord and god of overclocking... mean machine, support in italy...it's clear that you know nothing about italy...
  7. something must arrive, then i will go for the big 7
  8. you are so funny that i can't stop laughing. thanks alot, overlord and god of overclocking.
  9. another sad display of arrogance here. i never said that i like sannino, he's not my friend and i don't know him...so, stop bullshitting me. i'm out of this, i've no time to waste arguing with a tard. have a nice day overlord of overclocking.
  10. who the fuck you are to call me child eh ? and yes, i've always thought i'm a funny guy asd well said, well said
  11. go go go 12, show spldude how 01 should be benched
  12. really nice 920 and also good efficiency. congrats
  13. that's an interesting way of looking at dead hardware asd
  14. hey honda, mooooooooar volts isn't possible, i've tried up to 2.75 volt looooooooooooooool about frequency i don't know, but looks like this CPU is really maxed out. need to kill it and get another one back from RMA asd
  15. this CPU isn't good for 7 GHz, still don't know how i managed to validate this 6960 lol...dunno, maybe i should get a new one
  16. thanks mate lol, till now i've only crashed tons of RAMs and graphic cards asd
  17. thx frank enough vcore to do 6960, not enough to do 7000 + this CPU is a voltage whore, she always ask for moooooooooar JIGGAVOLT
  18. +1 worst mobos i've ever used also the UD5 is the same as UD4...but giga have no time to release a decent bios, they are 100% focused on adding 22nm support and developing touch bios crap. EVGA P67 series doesn't like that bad, at least their mobos can boot directly at "high" BCLK lol.
  19. you are right, efficiency here sucks BADLY
  20. lulz, but now take off the heatsink and let us see the ics
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