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Everything posted by Mafio

  1. who knows, maybe this mobo can do 500+ without having the chipset subzero cooled
  2. ya, 450+ seems very easy. i did booted at 456 MHz from BIOS, then used clockgen up to 462 MHz. too bad the CPU have a damn cold bug at arount -30 or -40° C. hoping the next CPUs will be better.
  3. WTF, delly is using an ANUS board nice stuff mate
  4. there are many cheap graphic cards and CPUs, just look at HD4870, HD4890, HD4850, the whole nvidia 8800 serie, nvidia GTX 2** serie and many more. as for CPUs, just have a look at wolfdale or conroe. nowadays you can find all this stuff at a very cheap price, if you are overclocking for fun (just like i do) doesn't matter if you have the latest 500 € GFX or you are using a second hand 50€ 8800 GTX.
  5. country: bulgaria ? i thought you were from france
  6. sorry massman lol, sam is right, nice to see such a gem cpu thrown in the trash, that means ivy bitch stuff will really cick ass.
  7. wow, very nice; 1M on XP with 3Dmarks installed, no maxmem (so i assume no cw) and God only knows what kind of other super special tweaks for 1M. nexthardware team, keep up the good work, you guys are the best. p.s. maybe next time you could also buy a tweaked OS for super-pi. p.s.2. dunno if i already said it but: nice try spldude, nice try
  8. maybe he confused the FX-60 with one of the crappy Bulldozer FX we have nowadays BTW go team xs, go
  9. i've a bad news for ya: chuck norris is massman
  10. but you are still behind us
  11. backup game sucks
  12. Mafio

    I'm. so. ronery

    lol friendship accepted
  13. Mafio

    I'm. so. ronery

    depend on what you mean by quality
  14. Mafio

    I'm. so. ronery

    if you want i can spam your PM box
  15. well, you are right, but now we should decide without knowing exactly how this lucid thing works, how much is the performance gain and so on. how are we supposed to decide without fully knowing what's going on ?
  16. hey honda, are you picking up a stick to finally make your DU rig dual channel ?
  17. QFT wait it to be released, then decide if allow or disallow
  18. naked RAM FTW awesome frequency on that H2O cooled 4870
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