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Caos Wolf

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About Caos Wolf

  • Birthday 09/08/1989


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    Monkey Island


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  1. Thansk GRIFF! I've a few days off work and already have plans ? 1st one done today (even thoug it was probably the best of the bunch) Next time 4200X2 ? Athlon 64 X2 3800+ Manchester LDBHE 0601TPMW 3541 SS 1,7 3300 bench Athlon 64 x2 4200+ Manchester LDBFE 0610SPMW Athlon 64 X2 4400+ Toledo CCBWE 0609DPMW Athlon 64 X2 4600+ Manchester LDBHE 0540WPMW
  2. Thanks guys! Kotori's run was masterfully done and had godlike mems, was really hard to top it!
  3. Hi, can somebody please add the motherboard Rioworks HDAMA? http://valid.x86.fr/g6jm6r https://www.rioworks.com/HDAMA.htm Chipset: AMD 8111 Thanks!
  4. Asking again two years later.
  5. I think that our boards have -pretty much- the same limit. Both my and your cpus can easily break 320/330 so I don't think that using the 2.4 will make you gain much. ...time to heat up the soldering iron
  6. Apparently some 01219 are able to do frequency close to the 0103 so i'm guessing that MAYBE some other batch may be able to work as good at them. That's all.I didn't want to upset you mate
  7. M.tec 01057 TBS6408B4E-6 http://www.ebay.it/itm/Memoria-RAM-Sdram-128-dimm-168-pin-/161259620657?lgeo=1&clk_rvr_id=612750309674&vectorid=229494 These are not 0103U but for 2.5€ i would give it a try.
  8. At that time Japanese 'clocker were a lot ahead if compared to the rest of the world. Also weren't you the one that said that the smokes of the cpu pot would also cool down the ram in the order of -30 degrees?
  9. Uff...find it http://holicho.lib.net/bn_02.htm (pretty much at the middle of the page right under the 59s picture) The stock rating ins't usually a precise meter of the overclocking ability of a chip If these rams are really able to do 200 2225 @ air I don't see why shuldn't be able to do 220 @ LN2
  10. Here you can find the translation in italian http://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=ja&tl=it&u=http%3A%2F%2Fholicho.lib.net%2Fbench%2Fbench_104.htm ...but doesen't specify the latency of the ram. Gradus (just a couple of post above) confirmed that latency e frequency were 22257 1:1 219 cooled by LN2. Also there is the italian translation for the database http://translate.google.it/translate?hl=it&sl=ja&tl=it&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ace-sup.com%2Fmemory%2Fmtec.html
  11. I was talking about the ram of the database not the Holicho's ones
  12. Hello guys, I'm sorry to intrude again but I find something that you may find interesting. First:this is the complete setup that Holicho used for sub 1m I think that he was 1:1 whit the mems at 22257 or (more probably) 22279 I made a reaserch for those mems (mtec 0103u) and came up with this table (in japanese) http://www.ace-sup.com/memory/mtec.html If I've understood it correctly those mems should be able to do 200+ mhz 22257 on air. I think those tests were made with air cooling beacuse the result of the mems i have experiece with are -pretty much- the same of mine. ...so if you are looking for the holy grail of SDRAM those should be the real deal. Also that site is a great database for sdram frequency. Hope I was helpful
  13. Ultra necroposting to wish Turrican a happy birthday!
  14. Another motherboard:A-trend ATC-6240V http://valid.canardpc.com/ju4dz0 Cpu-z doesn't recognize it correctly so i took a screenshot with everest (which doesn't recognize it correctly either this is a 6240V not a 6240.The first is equipped with a VIA chipset, the second with the Intel 440bx)
  15. Great man, thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to see your comparsion. Maybe one of this days I'll try my hyundai with AT-H chips.Never thought these thing would be good
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