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Everything posted by crio

  1. I will woop your ars anytime,anyplace,anyway you want...
  2. Thanks bro...Now send me ur CPU and VGA to woop some ars...
  3. Wow..Great skills in paint....lol... why you don't trust me ?
  4. Great work mate....You are trying hard and it pays of...
  5. The code i get is this Oops. Something went wrong. We could blame this on you but it's most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this. ERROR MESSAGE org.apache.torque.TorqueException: java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xCE\x91\xCE\xBD\xCF\x84...' for column 'name' at row 1 ERROR STACK TRACE org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.throwTorqueException line 105 org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.insertOrUpdateRecord line 680 org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert line 562 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImagePeer.doInsert line 238 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImagePeer.doInsert line 605 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 16594 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 16558 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 16539 org.hwbot.web.actions.HwbotAction.processImage line 122 org.hwbot.web.actions.SubmitResultAction.run line 269 when submiting Pifast or 1M wih my E6400
  6. Great result... What pot are u using?
  7. Try OCZ Freeze or Titan Nano Grease or Revoltec Nano Grease and you will see
  8. Amazing run bro...Just need a little more CPU juice...
  9. I think the point is,you can get the ES CPUS,the VGAs and everything elese at least on Ebay. The expander is nowhere to be found and i seriously doubt that Andre can supply every Extreme Overclocker with one... Some things have to be forbidden in my opinion.How can I for example compete against someone that has a board or a CPU months before i even see it?And when i finaly get it and OC it then the next thing comes and i am again in the back....Lets hope Rev4 can solve these things....
  10. Dinos well done....You and Stelaras are the Kings of PCMark2005
  11. Well done Aris...Nice to see you back in WRs
  12. Well done mate..Keep on pushing it....OCA FTW
  13. Shit my pants.... Amazing chip man...Well done
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