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Everything posted by crio

  1. crio

    Gigabyte Z97-SOC

    The board is almost new, played for a couple of hours with it and a G3258.. Price 140$ shipped.
  2. crio

    FS G3258 6Ghz+

    CPU sold....Thanks for the space
  3. crio

    FS G3258 6Ghz+

    $ means US dollars.... :p Shipping will be 5$ for CPU only if you want the cooler too 10$. Country does not matter.If it is more i will cover it.
  4. crio

    FS G3258 6Ghz+

    For sale my best so fast G3258 doing easily 6Ghz at Hwbot Prime. Didnt have much time to test, maybe it can do better. http://hwbot.org/submission/2621556_crio_hwbot_prime_pentium_g3258_4823.58_pps Price set at 80$ + shipping
  5. Q833B067 I did 650 fsb with lower multi but this is mobos max fsb on Air....
  6. PM sent
  7. Want to buy the above CPUs....pm with price inc shipping to greece.
  8. G3258 3418C011 VID 1.012 Air 4.5G 32M @ 1.25V 5G 32M @ 1.4V SS 5.5G 32M @ 1.6V -45C
  9. Seems maxed out....Gotta find a better kernel
  10. Must do at least 6.1 3dmark01.Price inc shipping to greece
  11. Bump...Still looking
  12. What the title says. E8600-E8500-E8400 E6600-E6700 etc etc
  13. Still trying to find one.
  14. Up up...Still looking
  15. What says above...Has to be a decent clocker (at least 6.5 01) and with decent IMC...
  16. Batch L246C294 malay 1.28V 5G 32M 1.45V 5.9G 1M 1.78V 6.86G 1M and R.I.P. No Cb no Cbb. D@mn.
  17. New cpu...Malay (cant remember batch)
  18. I tested 2 3224 1st couldnt boot 5G even with 1.62V 2c2t 2nd was 5G-1.35G 6.75 1M 6.8 Valid 6.7 pifast 6.38 wprime
  19. Vid - 1.275 Leakage - Very High SS was not an option today..Maybe tommorow for vantage
  20. Not a bad effort buddy but this kind of insulation aint for LN2.... 1)The plastik layer must be think in order to protect your board...The only way to do so is by spraying the board twice on each side and of course cover all connections with insulation tape before spraying. 2)The amount of eraser is too little.You need a thick layer of eraser. The thiner you get the less insulated you are 3) THe two 8pin connectors are unprotected..Eraser around them is surely needed. 4) Vaseline on the Ram slots is recomended 5) In the back side two layers of armaflex insulation is needed to prevent trouble. Just some tips.....
  21. 3223g rocks....5G impossible with even 1C/1T + 1.58V.....
  22. 6.65 to 6.7 3d...I will test soon.
  23. Asrock Z77 Extreme 4 1.40 BIOS http://europe.asrock.com/downloadsite/bios/1155/Z77%20Extreme4(1.40)ROM.zip
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