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Everything posted by flanker

  1. No, maybe it could be reason. 3rd timings is hard to understand how it works (and why)
  2. thanks for advice man! Seems, I must to buy some cheap PCIe SSD
  3. thanks More come in next week
  4. I think yes, if BCLK will be not the limit to CPU overclock I hope, under LN2 will be Excavator similar as Kaveri, so up to 6 GHz (depends on luck). I have surpassed my LN2 x4 965 BE result http://hwbot.org/submission/2344768_flanker_superpi___32m_phenom_ii_x4_965_be_11min_29sec_895ms/
  5. flanker

    GSkill B or E die

    Any results Albrecht? Or you cna me write details at FB
  6. flanker

    GSkill B or E die

    ANyone for sale good B or D die DDR4 RAM? It can be 2x 4 or 2x 8GB Europe only.
  7. test done at air (CPu+RAm)?
  8. lol man, I thinking about it ...
  9. flanker

    Great i7 5960x

    wow...But I need money now for 6950X ...
  10. But I think, 110-111 MHz BCLK is limit for AHCI in Windows. If I tried 112 MHz system was shutdown.
  11. I left the CPU voltage at auto, most settings at auto, only DRAM voltage I set manually. Thanks fortip, I can try lower voltage (but in load CPU-Z show 1.45V)
  12. I think, OC will be similar as Kaveri, depends on BCLK. I tried yesterday BCLK 108 (raised in WIndows) and CPU clock was over 4100 MHz. But what I thinking, with CPU clock around 4500 MHz you will get under 10min Superpi32M
  13. quick test http://hwbot.org/submission/3135553_flanker_superpi___32m_athlon_x4_845_12min_12sec_78ms?recalculate=true
  14. and light OC with 2T http://hwbot.org/submission/3135553_flanker_superpi___32m_athlon_x4_845_12min_12sec_78ms?recalculate=true Cinebench R10 at stock R11.5 single R15 (its bad! Interesting...)
  15. will be added today first stock results
  16. There is AIDA and now I must going...
  17. 100%, L3 has the impact. Its the same as Vishera vs Kaveri. Kaveri is better in single threads where L3 cache is not so important. But sometimes L3 cache is very helpfull. At Sunday I can run single thread Cinebench. Doyou have PII in your hands, if you can test Cinebench R11.5 at 3.8 GHz single thread and Cinebench R10 also? 64-bit, Win7 at my side PS: for superpi its big, big impact With wazza and light OS and tighter timings it could be n around 12min only at stock If I remember, this superpi clock to clock is similar as some Core Quad or core Lynfields?
  18. I was interesting for Excavator for FM2+. Its fresh, new and I have not time for deep testing. Good news is, the TDP of this CPU is 65W and running most of time at 3800 MHz because dont reached TDP base. So for you guys I tested Superpi at stock single RAM vs dualchannel 2133 MHz and quickly Cinebench R11.5 at stock. Next week Im doing at Wraith cooler review and going to holiday time to the mountain (at weekend Im out of my home also). Athlon x4 845 has basic clock 3.5 GHz and include Turbo up to 3.8 GHz. The multiplier is locked of course, this is not K version. I used highend board Crossblade Ranger and 1702 BIOS. As First 1600MHz DRAM in single channel and Superpi. Srry for 1M quality, its some bug of software - 17.581s at 3.8 GHz is better than FX-8370 at stock or than Kaveri a little. And we are still at single channel only... - Superpi 32M is much smoother than everything from AMD. At 3.8 GHz single channel in 13m 6s. Wow, for this you need FX Vishera with dualchannel and some light tweaks at 5300 MHz or Kaveri at 4900 MHz! What about if I put second modul, so dualchannel and set the clock to 2133 MHz at DRAM - 16.317s is solid - in 32M run 27s quicker than before! And result? Wow...As 5 GHz hard tweaked Kaveri or as 6 GHz FX Vishera Lol, its my personal record at AMD AIR :-D Its interesting, tke Kaveri and Excavator are more effective in 32M than i 1M. Cinebench at stock is again better...Its in comparison as 4.3 GHz Kaveri So in practice 500 MHz advantage. But main question is...It will be able to overclock? I hope so...tried quickly light OC from BIOS to boot system....So, lets go someone try break AMD WR in 32M with LN2! Unfortunatelly, I have AHCI, so post with blck 115Mhz was not problem, but I got BSOD in Windows logo With AHCI I can get into the WIndows max with 105 MHz, its not better than stock settings, cause your freqency without turbo is 3674 MHz.. Im sure, Zen will be clear winner, but we have still many months time and chance break AMD WR in SUperpi. This is the best bulldozer architecture for this one old benchmark...And hope, the BCLK issue wil be not with IDE mode
  19. I had only few liters of LN2, so it was not possible. Example last two tests I started without LN2, temps going rapidly up Superpi around -140 and after I restarted, set all cores, etc and tried hwbot prime and it was only about -100 to -70 C But CU0 (core 1+2) was crap...So I dont thin k it could holt 7 GHz Cinebench...Maybe my 8.2 GHz FX-8350 it can.
  20. Say goodbye AM3+ platform, this old platform was here with us from 2011. Exactly it was slightly better AM3 socket and this one comes from 2009. One of the latest and modern board in conectivity is Asus 970 Pro Gaming/Aura. Its 970 chipset based board, but very solid. So I took this red-black board under LN2 with few liters of LN2 (rest from previous days OC).... What I liked at AM3+ platform OC: high clock ability, special with Vishera. So strong processors for high clocks, solid CPUNB at Visheras also. No coldbug. I hope, AMD will continue in this way without coldbug with Zen. And Im looking forward for new processors. Ready for some fun? I had little of Liquid Nitrogen, so after Skylake benchmarking I can tested new Aura 970 Pro Gaming (Skylake is another great platform for LN2, so many possibilities). And the CPU is...FX-8370 in new BOX with Wraith cooler (will be bundled also with Zen CPUs) Behind the scene Full pot and -192 C, I cant get more cause my old POT is not enough for high volatges (1.9V+) Finalized afterall over 8 GHz at the best Core Unit,exactly 8025 MHz (real voltage 1.97V) I had few seconds also near 8056 MHz, but I cant catch up it - it was jumped from core to core and after maybe 5-6s it frozed...
  21. Monday? Or maybe today later quickly, if Il have some time (instaling OS etc)
  22. http://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=634064|*|Result%20Details
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