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Everything posted by flanker

  1. will be working with Kaveri chips too or it must be new software for it?
  2. Seems not much bad CPU...lol. Not always I have lucky hand for chip (or its bug? All Trinitys here seems very bad)
  3. man, wow. You have this one in your colection? Nice Phenom!
  4. yes, I was choose "no points", cause ES . But very soon Il have retail 9590 ,-)... PS: seems OK now, many THX
  5. pls fix these results (I cant see it in hardware) for FX-9370 http://hwbot.org/submission/2439115_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2439114_ FX-9590 ES new 1M http://hwbot.org/submission/2439099_ Thank you
  6. I think the result is in wrong category. This is for 16 threads only. You have 32...
  7. And there is it, last one! Flagship of AMD, 9590! [video=youtube;OXJx-XOBtIM] 5 GHz benchmarks 3D Mark11 AIDA64 memory and cache benchmark AMD Overdrive bench Cinebench R10 Truecrypt Winrar bench x264FHD benchmark Overclocking benchmarks 5142 MHz 3D Mark Fire Strike 5142MHz 3D Mark11 5142 MHz ROG real benchmark 5242 MHz x264FHD 5242MHz AMD Overdrive benchmark 5242 MHz 3D Mark05 5242 MHz 3D Mark Fire Strike HT link vs Cinebench score 26xxMHz/28xx MHz/30xx MHz We want more! We want AMD enthusiast, ahuuuu! 5318 MHz Cinebench R15 5318MHz Fritzchess benchmark 5322 MHz 3D Mark06 5322 MHz MaxxPi 32M 5344 MHz Wprime 1.535V 5344 MHz Cinebench R15 1.544V 858 points 5344 MHz Cinebench R11.5 with 9.16 points holly FlanK3r! 5371 MHz 1.55V Cinebench R15 run. This is monster chip, I need better cooling! 5344MHz Cinebench R11.5 second run 9.25! The AMD "Spartans" never give up! My R11.5 "air" AMD record 5371 MHz 1.55V and 9.28 points! 5374 MHz HWbot PRIME benchmark The next maximus...OK, not in 32M Easy, easy with superpi 32M at 5418 MHz 5445 MHz Superpi 32M, but time is not much good (it was last benchmarks before borrow it back) 5500 MHz Superpi 1M 5554 MHz superpi 1M 1.555V What about 5580 MHz Superpi 1M 1.555V "air"? ? This CPU is madness 5747 MHz 5776 MHz CU2 All Core Units can idle at 5747 MHz, this is very good. The best is CU2 (core 2+3) 5833 MHz!! http://valid.canardpc.com/j2rf2f Hmmm, what missing? Test stability? Ok, there is it: Very nice 1.476V and 5033 MHz 1.535V for little jump up to 5092 MHz. More is impossible beause to hot for stability. But I found, every from all tested chips was hot else. Most of the chips has the best CU2 and all chips has worst CU4.
  8. So, what do you mean? New FX-9370 and old motherboard? It be working? Yes! Im use for benchtable old and good one Asus Crosshair V Formula. This is really the solid board I think Asus make the best boards for AM3+. Cooling in all setups was AMD Allinone Cooler (Antec 920). Ambients between 20-22 C. My FX-9370 is 1311PGN batch. This chip impressed me at begining but not all is so clear... I began with Cinebench R11.5 at 4940 MHz. What this chip can do? 1.44V no problem... 1.42V? OK! 1.355V!! 4940 MHz Cinebench R15 is a bit harder for CPU, I must jumped a bit with voltage X264FHD benchmark with 4940 MHz and 2600+ CPUNB. Impossible...CU4 is very bad and higher volts helps not much :-(. This CU4+temps kills all potential of this CPU..After few minutes of test I got hardware error. With higher CPUNB clocks is CPU more sensitivity for volts, need more juice, limit is near 2800 MHz with 1.35V CPUNB Usually, CPUNB 100 MHz lower help in CPU clocks. Cinebench at 5066MHz/2635MHz CPUNB With this frequency I tried more benchmarks: 3D Fire Strike 3D Cloud Gate 3D Mark11 Fritzchess benchmark, easy over 16 000 points Cinebench R11.5 Wprime 32M and 1024M The maximum Cinebench R11.5 at 5143 MHz Superpi 32M test1 at 5262 MHz Superpi 32M test2 at 5397 MHz Superpi 1M at 5470 MHz! Max validation, the best was CU1 (core 0+1) and worst last one CU4. CU3 was similar as CU1. 5647 MHz hmmm, unvalid try. 5675 MHz (as always 1.555V as my maximum)
  9. FX-8320 is second fighter from oldschool batch 1229PGN. I have two 8320 but this one I do not tested before. I can say this one is worse than first one...LLC I set as high, so real voltage was near the CPU-Z info. ROG realbenchmark at 4766 MHz as warmup AIDA memory and cache around 4900 MHz -warmup 2 X264 FHD benchmark at 4891 MHz and 4930 MHz Most of benchmarks I was run at 5037 MHz and CPUNB over 2500 MHz (1.25V) 3D Mark06 at 5037 MHz 3D Mark11 at 5037 MHz Cinebench R10 HWBot PRIME MaxxPi 32M benchmark Nuclearus I love Cinebenchs, R11.5 First time we can see results of Truecrypt benchmark, stressed at 70 C in Coretemp! Winrar benchmark Wprime 32M and 1024M Max benchmarks Superpi maxed around 5162 MHz (32M, 1M I tested not for max) Max validation after was around 5380 MHz
  10. Finally is the day of FX mania. HWInfo and information about temps, voltage of first tested chip - this is FX-8300 At stock is FX-8300 in performance near the older FX-8150. Vishera is better in IPC and specially in games. Cinebench R10 and R11.5 For all benchmarks I used decent OC at 4762-4763 MHz, but this clocks are not full stable I mean. So some average CPU.... 4762 MHz benchable OC, Sisoft Sandra Wprime 1024M with win7 64-bit with 2CU/4C software (not hadware shutdown) wprime 1024M with 4CU/4C. With software assignment of process Old one 3D Mark2005, GPU decent OC only AIDA 64 memory bandwith (write, read, copy) at 4763 MHz and 2162 MHz DDR3 RipjawsX AIDA CPU Queen AIDA 64 Photo AIDA 64 CPU AES AMD Overdrive benchmark Cinebench R10 hmmm, new Cinebench R15 at 4763MHz HWBOT PRIME benchmark MaxxPI 32M, scaling much better than old x87 superpi Multicore Pi benchmark 4763 MHz Nuclearus benchmark One part of ScienceMark Do you know ROG benchmark? He is long, stressed one part very well and including work with photo, video compression and multitasking The maximum Max Cinebench was able aroud 4815 MHz only :-(. This chip was very hot, but working OK up to 80 C in Coretemp! Superpi 32M at 4965 MHz And now something about quality of CUs. I tried it with SUperpi 32M and later with validation. CU1 the best one CU2 average CU3 average CU4 the worst Superpi 1M max was around 5117 MHz and I want not used more than 1.55V for this chips Validation 5317 Mhz with screenshot
  11. Stilt, in CZ forum one man has ASROCK FM2A85X-ITX and he had issue with program. He can not run it. And has Nvidia card in slot. Is it problem? Thx.
  12. Did you tested it with LN2 Hiwa? Or at air some results? Seems good chips
  13. Stilt: its something similar for Vishera? Btw, can you pay it for it (donate ) a bit? In your first post, seems for some quality of 8 GHz Richland
  14. unfortunately, I have now FX-9370 at my benchatble for next 1 day...After I must put Haswell for OC event at gamers tournament, so APU later
  15. man, you are my ideal of AMD guy! Nice work and hope, I can find it at XS too
  16. uff, 1,75V man ..I should fear .
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