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Everything posted by Hondacity

  1. just for legal protection for everybody... dunno if its documented...
  2. lol precision limit awesome efficiency Hipro5!!!
  3. just voted.... clockers vote please... thanks **es videocards ...............................fucking advantage with (vid chips) is almost a cheat...we can't get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. very close....trcd is 8 on the xpower..i wonder how that affects sp32m.... MOARRRR
  5. can you take pics with the heatsinks of............im interested with the controller(chil?) and driver and mosfets... close up of capacitors(cpu area) too... and max vcore in the bios.... and and coldbug comparison with other mobo you tried.. thanks
  6. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome work bud!!! go Team.OCA
  7. you can flood the submission comments....seen too much lately.
  8. wow 260 don't mind the slow qpi comments....we're here to oc and i see high clocks wish we could have a definite release date....
  9. thats a strong imc... so whats keeping the max clocks on it? qpi wall or uncore? can these two be fixed by bios? i love memory side already... have you tried only two sticks of ram...shamino did two sticks and no cb.... thanks again
  10. no need for a review.... just overclock and post observations/results thanks for the hardwork mm... woot 32m ...i'm guessing inpar with e76x
  11. you guys should keep posting but yeah i do process your information... i don't accept them as is the coldbug is the hindering issue...if we're able to fix it like some ****ish guy mentioned it will be awesome..
  12. which bios of the r3e did you use? when you change vcore inside windows...how fast does it change compared to the r3e? i remember the r3e vcore change was almost instantaneous were you able to check max bclk on the retail 980x?
  13. xpower better than r3e? or r3e better than xpower? is that what you meant? what was the vtt? vcore vtt adjustments ...available on the dash board? great teamwork...i love the aquamark run..i little more cpu speed and your nearing 450k ******ocp mod performed? if successful can i see pics?
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