Why, because ES chip cannot be sold according to Intel. Many website will not allow the sale of ES chips, they are sold on the black market or underground for that reason. Another reason to not allow the use of ES chips right there.
Are all ES chips great chips, no of course not. I have had my share of ES chips that were pretty poor.
But back in the day when I was racing QX9650, QX9770 chips the top 10 spots were full of ES chips and retails could hardly touch them. Chips we paid $1,000 for. Now as manufacture process started becoming better a few more retails took spots away from those ES chips.
By allowing the use of ES CPU's HWBOT supports the unground selling of ES chips and putting large amounts of money into peoples pocket for item they often get for free and in the process breaking Intell rules. Doesn't matter if they are good chips or not.
Now AMD does not mark there chips, but a entry that is far superior in over clock vs what most retail can do is a dead giveaway. LHE binned CPU's come to mind a those chips made the rounds to other benchers.
Back to manufactured supported guys... it feels great when we spend enough money to get a Quad SLI setup of top cards, vmod them and throw them on a equally top end motherboard and CPU/RAM, costing a ton of cash, buy the LN2 to run it, only to have a manufactured guy have access to all the hardware they want to bin, sit down and blow every score away they want.
Sure Intel can stop marking CPU's as ES and that is a problem, but AMD does not do that now anyway.
Us overclockers need to stand for what we think is right and wrong and I would like to see an over sight board, not related to HWBOT because imo and only that, HWBOT has a different agenda than what most of us overclockers would like to see.
We need to send a clear message to manufactures to stop messing around in our sport for there marketing goals. And by saying no more ES allowed at HWBOT is a start, then we tackle the next battle after that.
But if we stand as a whole and try to level this playing field so that all can enjoy and have fun in, thats a very good place to start imo.