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  1. It's only a 5.6ghz chip. Now if it was a 5.8ghz I hear they go for $900. Yeah for "Wallet Overclockers"
  2. Just a thought here If CPUz could be updated to show hardware ID's on CPU & GPU's it might make this easyer. I have heard that FM files used for uploads conatin a full list of all hardware ID's, perhaps at least for 3D stuff a scan could be made to compare runs. That would still take a person to flag a run so its checked. Having it be auto checked might casuse problems with hardware that has been sold and repurchased tho. I was trying to find a simple program that needed no install to show hardware ID's but coming up empty. I am not 100% sure if device manage shows what we would want. Here is what my two 260gtx's look like when I select Hardware ID's. Again I am not sure if these numbers would be what we would want to see in a bench sceen upload. And another screen from a program I found that does not need any install. It shows a CPU ID, but again I am not sure what this number means or if it is different for every CPU.
  3. Why, because ES chip cannot be sold according to Intel. Many website will not allow the sale of ES chips, they are sold on the black market or underground for that reason. Another reason to not allow the use of ES chips right there. Are all ES chips great chips, no of course not. I have had my share of ES chips that were pretty poor. But back in the day when I was racing QX9650, QX9770 chips the top 10 spots were full of ES chips and retails could hardly touch them. Chips we paid $1,000 for. Now as manufacture process started becoming better a few more retails took spots away from those ES chips. By allowing the use of ES CPU's HWBOT supports the unground selling of ES chips and putting large amounts of money into peoples pocket for item they often get for free and in the process breaking Intell rules. Doesn't matter if they are good chips or not. Now AMD does not mark there chips, but a entry that is far superior in over clock vs what most retail can do is a dead giveaway. LHE binned CPU's come to mind a those chips made the rounds to other benchers. Back to manufactured supported guys... it feels great when we spend enough money to get a Quad SLI setup of top cards, vmod them and throw them on a equally top end motherboard and CPU/RAM, costing a ton of cash, buy the LN2 to run it, only to have a manufactured guy have access to all the hardware they want to bin, sit down and blow every score away they want. Sure Intel can stop marking CPU's as ES and that is a problem, but AMD does not do that now anyway. Us overclockers need to stand for what we think is right and wrong and I would like to see an over sight board, not related to HWBOT because imo and only that, HWBOT has a different agenda than what most of us overclockers would like to see. We need to send a clear message to manufactures to stop messing around in our sport for there marketing goals. And by saying no more ES allowed at HWBOT is a start, then we tackle the next battle after that. But if we stand as a whole and try to level this playing field so that all can enjoy and have fun in, thats a very good place to start imo.
  4. Sorry I cant seem to get this quote thing to work right... I was trying to quote Massman here http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=59133&postcount=126 How ever that may be, if HWBOT say no ES allowed it will send a message to the manufactures about this issue. Yes they can play there silly games like you say, but at least we can start makaing a path to clean this mess up that has been created with ES chips. No one simple answer like No ES will not solve 100% of this problem, but it will show to the manufactures that we are getting tired of this ES game. Then we fight the next battle that comes along. Which might be something like different leagues for manufactured supported people with all there special binning etc. The main point that I gather from all this is avgerage joe, like myself cannot and will not compete the way it stands now. Not that I am anything great at all but I saw long ago how tilted the whole thing is here with ES, Manufactured supported guys, secret high binned chips and secret hardware sharing going on. So I do not use HWBOT nor will I will until things get sorted out here. I saw on another post on a different forum from a bencher who is also very frustrated, better to take the money spent on benching and buy a Harley, or better you life in some other fasion instead of play this tilted game.
  5. WoW what another interesting read. It seems the PCMark05 problem just keeps going and going. I have to add in here also how I feel about this bench. I was an early adopter of SSD's and ended up with my 9x 32gb MTRON PRO SSD - ARC-1231ML some time ago. I love this setup even tho newer SSD's are killing me, haha tech changes. I played around with using 2x SSD's with onboard controllers with older systems and ran the benches for many, many setups. It's a blast seeing what a simple change in hardware can do for just about any older setup can do for performance and bring those old rigs back to life. As far as PCMark05 goes I say no limit on XP startup or anything, use what ever you can bring to the table for this bench. This bench is about what the whole computer can do, every piece, no matter if its software or hardware. Be as creative as you can be to make the fastest running system you can. SSD's, GPU's, PhysicX or MFT or what ever, it make no differance to me. I get into this same discusion about using 3DMark01, Aquamark etc. with current gen hardware. Or for that matter mixing OS's up in Forum Warz. Because any bench that is currently used right now can be torn apart and say that this was never designed for this or that so you cannot use this. Yet everyday people bench with hardware that ws never desgned for a given bench. Those of us that like PCMark05 need a place to race our hardware and compare what each other can do. So what if PCMark05 was never designed to use SSD's, its what we have to use. Leaving a cap on HDD startup or what ever is like going to a F1 race where they put restrictor plates on the carbs to slow them down, I think you might get what I mean there. If you can say that PCMark Vantage was designed to use SSD's then great I will use that. I am unclear if there is any bandwidth caps on that bench. I say remove all caps and restrictions and let the races begin.
  6. Hey eva2000 very nice run there ! Congratz ! I am looking at your HDD score and find that puzzling on how your score is so high. I am not sure but there might be a problem with PCMark05 and how it's getting that score. I have a 7x 32gb MTRON PRO SSD with ARC-1231ML controller all setup in Raid 0 atm. It will be 9x SSD's very soon, I had to RMA 2 drives and awaiting the return of them. When they come in I will restest with those added. I just ran a full PCMark05 run and recieved this http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pcmark05raid0runhh1.jpg The HDD score of 71,255 which is on par with the tests we ran with DVnation and on my bench for this Raid and SSD's when I purchased this setup. I get ~950mb/s bandwidth when I had it up and running with 8x SSD's. Does a HDD score of 500k+ seem out of place ? I know you are much more experiance at benching than I, so I do not question your HDD score, it just seems a bit high to me. Thanks so much and please forgive me if I am totally off base here edit: forgot to add my bench equipment removed bench equipment list and added it to my sig, sorry for the edit
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