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Everything posted by slaske6

  1. perhaps howe much do you have to give the cpu for 5 ghz 32m superpi stable ????? my nedded 1,24 vcore .
  2. http://hwbot.org/submission/2322642_ i posted up 06 with 580 ligthning . will you please tjek . thanks . Slaske6
  3. 3229A858 suks , max is 4700 whit 1,35 vcore testet 2 pieces and det best did 47 whit 1,35 the other 1.37 and stil no stable 32m 48 -49 -50 -51 52 no go at all , ha ha ha crap batch
  4. in the start we were running on the cpu there were a bit off cbb , byt now there is not . only under 105 blck ofcaurse . and we had always the potte on max cold . it had only run on air 1 time . in bios whit 1.28 vcore it sayes the cpu is betwen 38-40 degreas. whit out any load . 2 -3 times the termal pasta lost contakt on cpu and we remounted to start over again
  5. I am very confused. after just one day bench on the CPU at 1.84 vcore, the CPU does not have the 6.7 ghz 32m. my question is is it perhaps thermal grease inside the CPU or the CPU has already been downgraded. test the air is at 5 ghz 1.255 and now it has increased to 1.275 with the same board. i boots 6.1 whit 1,425 to 1.45 volts. it would 6.2 32m stable at dice. 1.75 vcore and so not tested it on the dice again but will believe that it is not higher than the 5.950. any advice for me ????
  6. thanks VIVI but do not have the money fore the 680 , bin testing to many 3770k . 10 pieses and this iwill Keep
  7. soory m8 :-) iam an stupid ashole , why dont i sleep a bit more .
  8. ha ha nice m8 , but where did u put the second cpu ;-)
  9. have same batch . can do 5 ghz 4/8 whit 1.255 vcore and 6.2 whit 1.75 vcore on dice can boot 6100 whit 1.68 an of caurse 32m stable 6300 on 2 cores 1.8 1m stable also on dice . hope it scales on voltage and cold of course to compare whit my 3218c055 that dos 6650 32m 4/8 cores will only 5.935 on dice whit 1.77 more vcore then it dont boot at all will have a malay batch L211b472 tommorow that dos 5 ghz 1.26 playing stable on msi gd45
  10. 3218b976 1,255 cpu z 5 ghz stabil . max imc 2841 mhz all on air not testet on ln2 yet 3218c055 1,301 cpuz 5 ghz stabil . max imc 2810 mhz all on air ln2 1,855 max core and 32m stabil 6650 whit mem maxed out 3230b375 1.375 5 ghz stabil ,max imc 2881 mem on dice sold to a freind (no ln2 on this cpu ) had 4 difrent malay best one died . L204b356 1.27 5 ghz on air . died in msi gd on first run ,mobo died to 6,5 ghz 1.77 vcore 32m stabil ,next run died. to mutch sa voltage ( 1.3 ) btw i always test whit 4/8 cores have a 3218b975 on the way and will be testet on monday
  11. Thanks Gluvocio ive tryede it byt fore some reasen its better whit SET lod 17 . tryede for a week to get my transp... higher , but cant find the magic trix 4 it .
  12. safeclockes on only 4 liter ln2 ;-)
  13. THANKS to nanok letting me use his litle plastick pot
  14. thank my freind but ZZ is a bit stronger .
  15. is it possible for one of you to fix one cold slow bios for asus gtx 295. there is now an EVGA bot on one of the cards, where we run 1.42 GPU vcore on water 800 / 1225th (gpu/ram) http://peecee.dk/upload/view/382120 it's asus single pcb cards I have.
  16. were can ve get the oc bios to the lightning massman
  17. thanks for a nice game this year ,and 16k 3d11 it to nice
  18. hey m8 tror du er kommet til at oploade den score i forkert katagori (3770) ellers er det en mega nice blck du vil have til 6 ghz ;-)
  19. yes my friend 0n 3 boards and 1 board locked on multi16 ,that board killed my best 37k after a bios flash it came alive again , but if i try to rease vcore it goes back on multi 16 .
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