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Everything posted by FACE411

  1. Nasty clock, homie
  2. You have to click on each item one at a time and check them out per benchmark. For example, if you have an e6300 cpu, you go through processor specs, then core 2 duo, then scroll to e6300, then once you are on the info page, click on "2D Rankings." From there you can see per benchmark how many points you stand to gain by making it in the top 20 for that piece. Another (quicker) way is to use the search boxes half-way down the left side bar. (Same example) type in e6300 in the processors search pane and tap enter... off you go!
  3. start here, and follow the rabbit hole http://www.hwbot.org/hardware.do
  4. sorry man... I'll play nice.
  5. Yeah, whatever buddy... I know for a fact that you are captain troll at xs, and you do fairly well here, too.. That is a factual accusation. Now, when you come on with a response quoting me and tell me what you did, you are trolling for a defensive response. I do not appreciate your forum manner, sir, and I am afraid I will no longer continue this back and forth with you, since you are incapable of having a valid thoughtful discussion. effing troll.
  6. --sigh-- Massman, I hate to ask, but... I do not post in these forums often, came in, posted a valid and educated opinion, and chew* comes along and trolls me right up, throws out crazy accusations, and eventually picks a fight.... way out of line, way off topic... way uncalled for. Please do something about this fool. Thanks, man.
  7. hehe, be careful.... I don't think you want that to happen.
  8. no no, let him do his thing... it's hilarious.
  9. ...uh, you did. when you said "i don't think you want that to happen." very insinuating statement in the least. Why wouldn't I want that to happen? EDIT: @ duke... too late, I fell for it already hope he keeps it up, woke up in a randy mood this morning....
  10. Damned right I do! I know what my team mates do... I see the $$$ pouring out of their wallets. Not worried about repercussions on my team's end... we keep receipts around my way, pal. Let the banning commence and the chips fall where they may, I know me and my team mates will come out somewhere near the top, and smelling damned good, too. (and we're prettier) :middlefinger:
  11. Meh, I could care less if it's done for the $$ or not. The fact remains always that the bills need to be paid. I just want my team to have the boints.... that's all. Plain and simple, I am by far not the best bencher on my team, and I haven't had the bank roll lately for the global hunt... hopefully that changes, but the boints system as is keeps me posting/coming here. Throw out the riff-raff, and let us keep our team boints... would it help if I said "pretty please, with silicone on top"?
  12. If they have the proof, the they should reprimand those doing the cheating, not everyone by an entire change on how teams are ranked. Losing the support of the little guy is never the answer... Right now, I like posting my results here and comparing scores on a points scale, but I also like to see my team's total go up as a result of that as well... contributing to the group. Like i said before, i will not stop benching my hw and posting results, I will just stop doing it here.... I feel many will most likely do the same. sites like these do rely on sponsors/advertisers (whatever you want to call them), but that is 100% reliant on site traffic... if that goes, so do the sponsors.... I like this site, it is quite the handy service. I do wish they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by mistake.
  13. Makes perfect sense to me... I don't really pay too much attention to other teams... I guess I should start. If that is the case, then they should ban the pricks and be done with it. Make the example of them and leave the points system alone. I like competing, I like chasing scores in the hw rankings. I really like that it benefits my team, and gives me something to show for it. I especially like "playing the lotto" when buying hardware. the team points thing gives me more incentive to keep playing. I don't mind the leagues... Those will benefit many in sub-rankings.
  14. I see your point, but doesn't that take away from the ranking system as a whole? The point of a ranking system or a database is to get as many entries as possible and organize them in a scale to compare the results... more results benefits the system as a whole in terms of data, averages, and so on. It just seems counter intuitive to the entire system just to catch a few dirty bastard cheaters with nothing better to do than get a leg up on someone.... It can also make popular hardware seem less popular in the rankings falsely, thus harming the marketing ability of the site, which is one of the main angles this place intends to make money... It just seems all around counter intuitive to half-solve a problem.
  15. The team points rule will not stop, slow down, or even affect hw sharing in the least. The reason is pretty easy to see: Put yourself in the mindset of a player who is going down the hw sharing route.... is that person going to risk getting caught/banned/whatever for team contribution, or personal gain? There is a ton of hardware getting killed continuously in the name of 0.1 more points and another spot up in the hardware rankings... I highly doubt your grinder variety bencher is going to be "risking it all" by ban/whatever over a HD5750 score ranking. when it comes to team rankings, every point counts... I like that idea, because once you reach the point "limit" for yourself, at least SOMEONE benefits from your hard work. The limit has to almost be removed for many of us to benefit or continue to benefit from hwboints rankings on a personal level. I have almost 700 hwboints... many have way more. They should count somewhere, or grinder support dies, and you are left with a global hunt only, where cheating will actually increase because there is more at stake. food for your noggin, baby! If this team points rule goes through as is, I will continue to bench and grind. I just will not be posting anything in here about it... In fact, I would lose interest in logging in at all. Your hearts are in the right place in terms of attempting to stop cheating, but your heads are up your asses.
  16. ^ THIS! Very well put, sir. One of these days, the guys here will get it right and make almost everyone happy.... looks like that time just isn't now. Keep trying, though, and you'll find that balance between the manufacturers and the Joes... *spills beer on rig and watches the smoke* - I can has boints for that?
  17. Nasty score, man... Pwnage!
  18. Sweet run, Dent! Keep pounding that rig until it either bleeds or craps its pants!
  19. Twaeking timings down to 6-6-6 on the mushkin train.... I'll take 1st anyway...
  20. Yeah, sorry... Had a friend point out that loop 12 bugged... Deleting..
  21. EEK! no voltage tuning support is a no-go for me.... Looks like my purchase will wait until the problem is resolved... Thanks!
  22. I set the cooling when submitting.... Reverting to "stock"? CPU = SS cooling, the rest of the machine was stock air cooled.
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