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Everything posted by FACE411

  1. WOOT! Nice Run Rom... Keep pushing!
  2. No problem.... and by no results I meant unable to get an orb link. Screenies should be good unless you hit a top five score. To do that you're better off with a stripped vista imho.
  3. Yes, it is because of dependency issues.... There is a quick work around... Right click on the desktop shortcut, and at the end of the path, type -nosysteminfo and you will not get the error anymore. It does stop you from submitting results, even after saves...
  4. Batch # 3849B018 Happy hunting
  5. Ticket ID: 93 Priority: Medium I cahnged my login to match my name in the 411overkill.com forum, and appearantly someone else has the same nickname. Is there any way formatting can be changed to support both, or at least can my login be changed back to the origional?\r\n\r\nFACE - 411Overkill.com \r\n(orig. login: FACE411)
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