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Everything posted by masterchorch

  1. Unbelievable score for socket a, especially with dual-channel! Nice work lately - now go for 300 mhz fsb...
  2. Found another old validation: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=309849 Board is SAPPHIRE Pure CrossFireX PC-AM2RD790.
  3. Thanks for your information. I didn't overclock AMD for a long time now and all your hints regarding memory and NB are new to me. Thanks for that... And regarding the fact that I'm not a Pi-specialist my score feels even better now... I will try to come close to your time in the next few weeks. But first I have to buy a Deneb because the only Phenom-II-cpu left is the 1100T.
  4. Unfortunately I only had two memory kits. 2x 1 gb Cellshock, maxed out at 1666 6-5-5 or 1720 6-6-6. And these Corsairs which I could run 1840 6-6-5 with tight subs on air with this system (NB at 3 ghz). Under cold I could only complete this run with relaxed timings. With tighter timings I would probably shave two seconds off - but no chance to come close of your run. Your score is awesome...
  5. Nice score. I knew it was only a matter of time to loose no. 1 spot. I think we should combine my cpu with your gpu and get the slowest AM3 ever...
  6. Great Titan X. Unfortunately the Team Cup 2015 Background is missing...
  7. As you can see I did a few "tweaks" to reach a hardware-performance as low as possible. In addition I used one application in the background. I wanted to use one more but this program did not start properly.
  8. @Massman: what about Multi-CPU Setups? (e.g. 4 separate singlecores)
  9. because two and three gpu's play in the same category (multi GPU), the system does not distinguish between two, three or four gpu's. so your trippleSLI results replaces your "old" dualSLI result as your fastes score - and only the fastest score in one category gets points. to get max points out of your gtx285's you should also bench one card "alone", cause thats a different category!
  10. i hope i am at the right place here, if not please move the thread! thanks Since today we are benching an Intel Xeon w3540, but the cpu is not in the database - so we cant upload our results. please add that cpu, thanks alot !!
  11. ok guys, thanks. i was so entusiastic last night - now all is fine
  12. ok dude, thanks for that fast and clear answer. now i unterstand the way it works. but istn't that contradictory? i lose points becouse i improve myself and my scores, i gues that "hit" alot of people here... i get punished for buying and benching a new setup, i didn't get points for a good benchrun - i would get the points if i hadn't invested time and money and updated my rig. using me as example: i had one of the fastest x1900crossfire setups, and i get alot of points for it, but now i have bought the next generation of gfx cards and my "old" benchs does not honor - why? it's still the same good x1900crossfire score?! so why is that the way it works?
  13. hi, since i updated a new 3d01 score using 2x hd2900xt cards, the points for my second fastest 3d01 score (2x x1900xt) are gone. is it possible that the bot cant see the diference between x1900 and hd2900 cards - so that he thinks my x1900xt run is the same setup like the hd2900xt run and wouldn't give me points for my second best run (on like the thinks) the same setup? i just like to get my x1900xt crossfire points back, because 73k in 3d01 is still enough to get points on that setup. i mean that score: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=607888 thanks a lot bye chris
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