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varachio last won the day on December 13 2024

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    Anything related to O/C


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    Marine Chief Engineer


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  1. Wtf! awesome! have great time guys! well done!
  2. Please, Dogpile has no place in a country cup I believe. Especialy the proposed single cpu core, the scores would be purely made only on stock clocks and will need utilizing old slow platforms no widely available anymore. It would be time consuming and will have nothing to offer in terms of fun or terms of challenge in beating old legentary scores made under LN2. Some old 3D bechmarks with multiGPU SLI / Crossfire, 2X or unlimited cores, not limited to 4 GPU cores for example would be nice to have and are always interesting to me. Be please cautious on the limitations given for each stage. For example give a free "Conroe core" stage as per Hwbot database and not exclude the Core 2 extreme X6800 because it is a rare CPU and not widely available. That's all from my side for now. I will close monitor the thread and will revert again in case required.
  3. well done my son! wish you all the best fwd!
  4. Well done my son! wish you all the best fwd!
  5. Well done my son! Wish you all the best fwd!
  6. For win10 OS, it is a strong result Chief! well done!
  7. Hi to everyone! Add please the Nvidia RTX 4060 ti 8gb & 16gb option in the submission database. I have checked and as per NVIDIA specifictions given, (sceenshot attached), both 8gb & 16gb versions are official. Hence please add both versions in Hwbot database as you did in the past for many others GPUs ( RTX 2060 is just an example). Thank you in advance. Best Regards to everyone, Varachio
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