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  1. +1 with that question
  2. .A0E i had no problems all the way up to 5.3ghz pll was left on auto just set 50x / 1866mhz xmp and 1.4vcore http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1686527 i put the post on the msi fourm the issue appers to be intel ME related and not bios problem is now both the bios's on the gd-80 are crouupt and im awaiting a blank chip so i can get it working and finish my testing
  3. well who ever it is if they can do this i'd give them a golden ticket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr7djGY1fhA
  4. god knows how they got kenny and gappo to pose for the pics ""thinks"" hehe
  5. i have no idea mate when i get sorted i,ll let ya know
  6. thanks i had 1l of ln2 in the derwar from 4-5weeks ago so i thought i,d try it for this cpu it made no odds but i was not pusing the above score was the 1st run
  7. lol just like me right out in the middle of nowhere i got 8mb/s so not to bad
  8. have a look here http://www.moofdev.net/RatioMaster/downloads that porogram will help speed the d/l time up see youtube for instructions
  9. dont buy it just search torrentz for tiny vista i never tryed the 64bit ver but i bet its the same for scoreing
  10. just install vista 32bit you will be shocked
  11. thanks but windows xp is the worst os to use for pcm05 my 30 golds prove that
  12. i will quote my slef from a post on bt
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