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  1. Règle d'or : Tant que la fréquence monte avec la tension, il faut monter la tension. C'est le composant 'aime' ca ^^
  2. Chipsy, unfortunately, I tested everything and I have to admit that it's the maximum of the maximum... I saw 8026MHz one time but impossible to take. Crappy CPU but very nice architecture. It gave me motivation to push with an other 8350 Strat, yep j'ai testé mais ca ne changeait rien. J'ai passé des heures à essayer de faire mieux et je n'ai pas réussi.
  3. Edit : Not LN2 pot but the fix for LN2 pot
  4. Dead also for me. It could be possible to make 6mn05s and 34k vantage but... no chance. Suddently, during bench, my LN2 pot just exploded => bad contact CPU / LN2 pot => CPU broken...
  5. Hehe, I just saw Andreyang's score. I virtually have no chance except if my new 980 is a golden of golden CPU. However, I will try to beat him
  6. Hello, is it possible to get the exact date time (date + hour GMT for example) ?
  7. Extreme efficiency !!! Very cute QPI link !
  8. Congratz Topalof ! And congratz for many reasons : 1/ You never gave up and you always pushed your hardware to its limit, you win every MHz with hours and hours. Congratz for it. 2/ You didn't make the unfair and 'unfun' method of backups. You continously announced your position (first since the early beginning). What a pity that you were 'forced' to keep some backups to counter last minutes submitters. RB, for the future, I suggest a bonus / malus. An early score had to get bonus and a lastminute score had to get malus. It could be a good idea. 3/ I thought that your submission made things better in french overclocking community. It's the first time different communities was 'together' behind you and your score (the french score) For all these reasons, I would like to say you one thing : BRAVO !
  9. Ticket ID: 398 Priority: Low Please add this card :\r\nhttp://www.jmax-hardware.com/ftpjmax_oc/MOA2009/53146.JPG\r\n\r\nThanks in advance
  10. Yep, very good idea. I think that Spi32M, 3d01 et maybe Everest Bandwidth should be good
  11. Ok I just wonder why some people could (TheKarmakazi) and me not.
  12. Here is the message when I try to answer in an existing thread : "jmax_oc, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. " Any idea for this permission problem ?
  13. Hmm, I don't know what to write here but if we take vids and pictures, if we told HWBot in advance about such overclocking meeting, we cannot make more... So if you don't trust us or if you will block our scores for hardware sharing, there is a huge problem since we are the most 'clean' with the most things attesting that we didn't share. Benji will do LN2 benches with his GTX285 (E86 + i7 965). If he have time, GTX295 aircooling on both platforms Casimir will make all the score which were blocked for subtests lack (GTX295 air on E8600 + i7 965) Concerning me, I will pass my 2 GTX 295 under LN2 (E86 + i7 965) : SLI tests + single tests. Anvil, we have a CPU capable to bench 5GHz 3D whereas others can only benched at 4.9GHz. So we will use it to get the best score possible. It's 100% allowed by rules so don't panic if you use some times the best CPU we have.
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