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About stivut

  • Birthday 03/12/1968


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  1. Nothing wrong with my submission to be reported.
  2. You could mention that in a comment to your submission to avoid this kind of problems. How could I know it's a cpu-z issue?? Sorry for misunderstanding!
  3. The background downloads works fine, for now.
  4. The score is 6778 - memory performance/single core! Try to edit!
  5. Itabella, HW sharing again?? Take a look at the screenshots and HW from you, IvanCupa and BlueFiber! This is NOT a team competition!!!
  6. Nice to see you, Itabella! Good luck !
  7. HW sharing that can't be prooved it's still a problem.
  8. Competition only allowed temps above 20 in idle.
  9. A little gpupi stge cleaning, please? There are some 8 threads scores.
  10. Just like I expected:)!You just bought a 1000$ platform and a Quadro gpu just for this bench??? I doubt...
  11. Used 8 threads. Maximum 6 threads allowed by the comp rules.
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