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Everything posted by stivut

  1. You don't need any aftermarket cooling for 4000 MHz. It's something strage for an overclocker like you to run the Skull at stock frequancy because of stock cooling. I owned a Skull too, and I know how it works.
  2. Untill you solve the problem, I posted a score with Futuremark validation link, and I don't want to see it's blocked. Block ALL submissions with validation links, or NONE of them! Thank you:)! What about this one: http://3dmark.com/pcm05/1725584 ? Monstru is a geek too? I don't think so... I saw you approved my submission, thank you:)!
  3. You do the right thing, but do it whit ALL! I expect from you to block all scores with Futuremark validation links.
  4. Yes, it is! Do you think we are all a bunch of thieves??? We are just normal people, sir. Can you unblock my submission, please?
  5. What about dafridgie's score: http://3dmark.com/pcm05/1389909 ?? I see it's the same problem!!! And Hybridchillers's score has the same problem: http://3dmark.com/pcm05/1648964 .....and all PC MARK 05 with Skulltrail, because the system info was a piece of shit! Will you block all those scores, because the message on Futuremark sais that??? I wanna see this now! Look at the Pheelon's score: http://3dmark.com/pcm05/1769268 I think you don't understand anything but your rules!
  6. First time you blocked my score, I ereased it and put it back, and you blocked it again. I sold that platform in July 2009. That's why I was so surprised to see someone who has something to comment about a very old submission. Rules are rules, and I have to obey, but someone with your experience and reputation, shouldn't be disturbed by a crappy score posted by a nobody like me. http://3dmark.com/results/pcm05 For these scores, I don't have screenshots. Can I put any of them only with ORB validation link?
  7. Do you think I cheeted my PC Mark 2005 with Skulltreil? I think you must go back to KGB where you came from! What's so incredible to a 15k PCMark05 score with a Skull without ssd??? I thoght rules ware made for cheeters, not for sunday-overclockers like me. You can ban me forever, but I think you're on the wrong way. 2 and half years nobody reported my score, but you found it to be cheeted.....
  8. I'm gonna kill myself at once!!!! There's no way to save me!
  9. You are right, but two and half years ago, I was just a biginner on HWBot, sorry. Besides, it's not any kind of huge score to worth your special attention. Best regards:)!
  10. Congratz! You are the King! I have no doubt you'll do much better shortly:)!
  11. WR GTX580 mem frequancy=))! NickShih should be angry=))!
  12. Cogratz, my friend:)! You're tweaking very well! Good job:)!
  13. Nu pot seta SLI-ul cu 182.50, si nu mai am timp de bibileala.
  14. Asa este....am cautat scoruri pe un thread al meu de pe un anumit forum si nu mi-am dat seama ca acesta nu e un test facut de mine, Il sterg imediat! Scuze, nu a fost vorba de vreo intentie de frauda!
  15. Esti un mare artist, domnule! Ma inclin cu respect:)!
  16. Pretty good for an old monkey, bot not enough. I'll try again late november. Nachtfalke, please don't comment=))
  17. Nu m-am chinuit cu niciun fel de driver, pt ca placuta aia cu care am dat nu este pe HWBot, si am bagat-o la o categorie cat de cat apropiata. Iar la avatar nu este un gibon, e o poza de-a mea facuta intr-o dimineata inainte sa plec la servici=))!
  18. Am postat ulterior un rezultat mai bun, de aceea a aparut punctaj 0 la cel pe care l-ai vazut tu. Am facut al 4-lea scor in UCBench cu 2500k. Tu poti sigur mai bine cu cu al tau:)!
  19. Where's the screenshot? Anyway, very good score, congratz!
  20. Tu esti tatucul gpu-urilor, Ramiro! Stima si consideratiune:)!!!
  21. Nu iese mai bine nici cu 182.50. Am 31 de grade in casa si nu merge mai sus.
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