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Everything posted by stivut

  1. i7 2600K Batch L101B622 5463MHz http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1763305
  2. Asta e regula, dar cand deschid fereastra, imi apare mesajul pe care l-ai vazut in screen....n-am mai patit chestia asta.
  3. Gorgeous, Matei!!! You are No.1 across the nation! Congrats:)!!!
  4. CPU Score-ul ala e de toata jena, dar pentru un dual core sa zicem ca-i acceptabil:(.
  5. You're an unstoppable crazy OC freak!!! For my next life, I'll ask God to give me your present life=))))!
  6. Hi Nick! Is there any chance for me to be accepted in your team? Here is my profile: http://hwbot.org/community/user/stivut . I don't have much hope, just pushing my luck=))! Thank you anyway:)!
  7. Good job, my friend, good luck:)!!! I love that Skull!!!
  8. Still need to beat this one: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/894517_stivut_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gtx_285_16633_marks?tab=info )
  9. Great job! Keep pushing that chip, man!!!
  10. Amazing frequancies for air cooling:)!!! Awsome job, Rami:)!!!
  11. Hi! Does anybody update my achievement for "Reach top-500 of Overclockers League"? Or should I pass a trial time to obtein that achievement:)? ThanX:)! L.E: Problem solved! Thank you:)!!!
  12. 5970-ul ala nu era un exemplar prea reusit, de aceea am si vandut-o la o saptamana dupa ce am cumparat-o:(. Poate o sa am bafta sa pun mana pe una ceva mai reusita in iarna asta:)!
  13. Multumesc, prietene, dar nu e chiar asa...Treaba e ca imi place sa ma joc cu HW puternic:), si o fac oridecateori am ocazia:)! Bafta maxima!
  14. Old stuff are only for masters, and YOU ARE a damn good one:)!!!
  15. Absolutely marvelous bclk!!! Congrats, man:)!!!
  16. Someone on this forum called lelik9 reported one of my submissions, because he thinks that the CPU Score(33584) is too high! But this is absolutely normal score, with PhisX OFF, because I made the test on my Skulltrail (Intel D5400XS) with two cpu's QX9775@4530MHz!!! Watch all of my Vantage submissions, and you'll see! I'm asking one of the administrators to solve this problem as quick as possible! Thank you, and I'm waiting for apologies from dear mr. lelik9!!! Thanks to admins!!! Problem already solved!!! Thanks again!!! Thread closed.
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