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Everything posted by stivut

  1. Nothing wrong with my submission to be reported.
  2. You could mention that in a comment to your submission to avoid this kind of problems. How could I know it's a cpu-z issue?? Sorry for misunderstanding!
  3. The background downloads works fine, for now.
  4. The score is 6778 - memory performance/single core! Try to edit!
  5. Itabella, HW sharing again?? Take a look at the screenshots and HW from you, IvanCupa and BlueFiber! This is NOT a team competition!!!
  6. Nice to see you, Itabella! Good luck !
  7. HW sharing that can't be prooved it's still a problem.
  8. Competition only allowed temps above 20 in idle.
  9. A little gpupi stge cleaning, please? There are some 8 threads scores.
  10. Just like I expected:)!You just bought a 1000$ platform and a Quadro gpu just for this bench??? I doubt...
  11. Used 8 threads. Maximum 6 threads allowed by the comp rules.
  12. Nik used b-dies on 4000 MHz 12-12-12-28, at 5100 MHz cpu: Nik`s GPUPI for CPU - 1B score: 7min 7sec 911ms with a Core i7 6700K What about memory now??? The diference is much to big to be real.
  13. I hope websmile can manage imposible scores. Memory tunning can't make such a big difference!
  14. Please READ THE RULES again, and make the things wright.
  15. So, evan Nik and I have good delidded chips and strong watercooling, but couldn't evan approach of your scores. Somewhere is a trick, for sure! And the rules are clear: HWMonitor must be opened during thte run. So make it again, if it's possible, with HWMonitor running from the start! Btw...5 minutes of stress with gpupi at 5300 mhz with AIO is absolute impossible! I was born in the morning, but not this morning!
  16. With 2 dims on an Asus 4 dim motherboard? I don't think so...Teach me how to do it an I'll be greatfull for life! I don't know what you are trying to do, but it's the wrong way to the top, Itabella!
  17. 18 C between core 0 and core 2??? Here must be the trick, so, enlight me please!
  18. CPU dead an RMA'ed:(! I don't think it will come back till the end of the comp:(.
  19. And how many threads? 4 or 8? It's IMPORTANT!!! The comp rules are clear: MAXIMUM 6 threads!
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