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i have some problems whit superpi


scores ar not corekt ranked by the engin.

a slower score piks the engin as my fastest score

my slower 7m 22.551s



my faster 7m 08.841



as i know 7m 08.841 is faster as 7m 22.551


and this superpi 1m is not ranked



the link of my best score gives me a

Oops. Something went wrong.


We could blame this on you but it`s most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this.


I've seen this before with my submissions.

When this happens, what you'd need to do with the new entry, simply recalculate your result and that should fix it and give it the correct points and ranking whenever this happens. You'll find the recalculate function directly under the edit and delete functions/tabs for the entry itself.


Circled the tab in red so it's easy to see in the screenie.

thx for the tip.i whil tink about it the next time it happens


Note that you won't even have to wait for an actual recalculation to take part, just press Recalculate then refresh the browser window. It's like the duct tape of HWBOT, it fixes 99% of the issues. Anything else is not worth fixing!

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