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Just got my hands on these (F4-4000C19D-8GTZ) and allthough I don't have an OC-board (Z170X-UD3) their performance are really bad.


XMP (4000 19-21-21-41) is impossible, even with 1.8V+


The best I've gotten from these are 3733 14-18-18-28 300 1T, and parhaps it's my board that are limiting the memorys, I dont know.


The strangest things come next, and at the above setting I get worse results than my Corsair 2666 CL16 at 3000 15-15-15. I've also tried the exakt same setting on the G.skill (se images belove)


I've tried XTU, HWBot prime and Geekbench and I've gotten worse result in all.


I've got one explaination and that's that the G.skill are single sided and my Corsair are double. But then everyone should use double sided, right?


I'm confused right now.









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Samsung are only better than Hynix when you can use their biggest strength, higher frequency at quite tight timimgs. What comes on top, some mainboards are a lot weaker with 2 sticks when these are single sided than with 4 sticks or 2 dual sided sticks. So if you can´t use 4 samsung sticks or get higher frequecy at decent timings, or find another way and settings that compensate the problem, your result will not improve on the gskills, and they are indeed worthless for you for stuff like xtu

Samsung are only better than Hynix when you can use their biggest strength, higher frequency at quite tight timimgs. What comes on top, some mainboards are a lot weaker with 2 sticks when these are single sided than with 4 sticks or 2 dual sided sticks. So if you can´t use 4 samsung sticks or get higher frequecy at decent timings, or find another way and settings that compensate the problem, your result will not improve on the gskills, and they are indeed worthless for you for stuff like xtu


As this memories are from the country cup, I wonder if the Soc force motherboard would also dislike singlesided memories this bad?


If I understand your post right, you pretty much say, sell them as they look good on paper with high frequency but are PoS and hopefully someone that dont understand beter buys them so Marquzz can buy a pair of B-die instead? :)

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Posted (edited)

What I say is that highend memory on a board that cannot handle it is dead money. On a board like the OCF (which is not my favourite btw) or an impact these will give you top results, I cannot judge the socf but did see nothing that really impressed me in terms of memory clocking - this is a question GB experts can answer much better


P.S. On B-die, these are for sure dominant now, but have three major problems, first they are expensive, second they have problems with x64 OS when they run at high frequency and tight timings at some benchmarks, and third point is that quality varies big time. What you do with he 4000c19 and if B-die is better for the benches you or Marquzz do, this is something I can´t judge.

Edited by websmile

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