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From last version of hwbot the full country list had been eliminated.

I don't know why and I do not want to know why.

There are many overclockers who are not from first ten countries which listed in homepage.

There are many who still have the sense of nationalism.

Without this list , no one knows the progress of his/her flag.

I want to know your opinions and PLEASE if you are agree with adding this list , post a reply.


list of country ranking is really useful at least for me it was useful.

in this few months that it been removed from hwbot engine I feel a kind of lost and confused.

so I request to add country ranking to hwbot engine...


From last version of hwbot the full country list had been eliminated.

I don't know why and I do not want to know why.

There are many overclockers who are not from first ten countries which listed in homepage.

There are many who still have the sense of nationalism.

Without this list , no one knows the progress of his/her flag.

I want to know your opinions and PLEASE if you are agree with adding this list , post a reply.

Thanks Poorya .

Totally agree!!!Instead, the version with HWBot 4.2 Sense of overclocking competition was destroyed.


Please,You're my administrators ranking of all countries to open.


Majid OC

from HotOverclock.com team


Thanks poorya


it`s clear that every overclocker in every country wants to see His country ranking because it`s a goal, it`s not true that top 10 country pelace in country ranking;)


I agree with this comment ,without countries list Many

overclockers will be disappointed, because their country's flag is the goal of many them,so I request this list be added




By omitting the full country list, you took away a major source of motivation from the OC community ! Country ranking is essential to such community where people compete for the sake of improving their team's point as well as their country's ranking ! now there is no full country ranking and you have killed half of the fun ! country ranking is essential the keep the competition alive and running ! showcasing only the top ten is an insult to the rest as they can't see their progress and are quite at a disadvantage ! assume a country is aiming for the top ten and now they are stuck cause they don't know the ranking !! This is far from FAIR !!!!

I request you to add back the full country list !

  • 4 weeks later...

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