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I would like asking you (hwbot), if I could include my results.

I am set up as fabi and I am a wife of a member (rbuass).

Happen that we have many equal equipments at home and he asks for me not to include my results because it is afraid that you (hwbot) think that we share the same hardwares.

Since I am going to show in the photo below, we have at home several systems and each one of us does the results themselves.





As o show you, we have 2 EVGA Classified, 6 HD 5870 (3 mine and 3 of him), 2 M4A79T Deluxe, 3 Phenom II 965 (1 is mine), 3 GTX 295 (one from me) and we have nmany kits of memory (OCZ reaper HPC and Perfect Storm, RipJaws).

We have many more hardware home (2 Biostar Tpower I45, 3 Power Supplies Corsair 1000 a lot of hard disks) but i have mine hardware and rbuass their hardwares.

If you want i can show many more pictures.

In spite of him to help me very much with technical informations (I always intend to improve up to the one who knows one day, to surpass it and to be the best feminine overclocker), but i buy, i isolate and do my benchmarks.

You can see the photos to comprovate i am telling the truth.

The only thing we share is our LN2 Container.


I would like to ask then if, even having identic hardwares can we post when we resulted separately and if this will not damage my husband, since this is the thing what he more likes doing in the life and I am learning to follow the same way.

I hope you understand me, but if its causes a problem i rather to keep without post my results.

Thank you very much and sorry the bad english i used


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This is cool stuff:)


HW sharing rules: Do not share CPUs for 2d benchmarks (CPUZ, PCMark05, Pifast, superpi and wprime) - and do not share GPUs for 3d benchmarks (3dmark series + aquamark). However, you can share CPU for 3d so you can use the same processor for 3dmark.


RAM, PSU, LN2 container, mobo, HDD... share as you wish.

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I know.

But for exemple, we have 2 Core i7 Extreme 965 ES, 3 Phenom II 965, 2 Xeon W3570 (for the 2D Benchs) and 6 videocards HD5870 (i have mine hardware and he haves his hardwares).

But i am afraid hwbot can think that we are sharing results and i didn t post my benchs.

We know all the rules and never will broke.

And i ask to hwbot.

If the moderator tell me its ok to post with equal hardware i will post my benchs.

I think i show the pictures, that i am telling the truth.


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I remember you, we come together to MOA and took the same taxi.

Very nice competition in Beijing and we never forget.

She try so hard and want to be very good female overclocker (lol)

Thank you for your help, hopefully we can meet next year again in the MOA.

She will post her results then.

We wish all the best for you.


Edited by rbuass
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