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Posted (edited)


Since when? This is no different than the retails.It's a C1 which is exactly what the stepping was when when the retails first came out. It is no better than any retail chip in any way.

These are also the same chips that I've used in submissions for the last year!

Edited by Movieman
Tiborr is right;) ES isnt allowed on actually Platforms, only in Pro League;)So change to Pro, or remove this sub and all your others with ES;)

Is this a new rule?

If so I will move.

Lets honest here. I make submissions generally on new dual socket platforms and thats about it. I am not what anyone would call a "bencher"..

To me benchmarks are to find out the best settings for a machine and whatever points come with submissions are just to help the XtremeSystems team.

Yeah, thats in the rules for OC League and Enthusiast;) You can use there only ES on older Platforms, like 1366;)


I'm not doubting you but if that is the case then why have my submissions been accepted for years using ES chips?

Something is messed up here. Either a new rule that I'm not aware of or a rule that hasn't been enforced for the years I've been involved in this.

I appreciate your imput but I think it's time to bring massman into this and find out exactly what the rules are..

Thanks for the imput.


I just checked the rules and found this:

1.1 – League Participation Rules


By default, anyone can choose what League to compete in, with a few exceptions. For your convenience, here’s a list of requirements for each HWBOT League. The staff will not force members to switch league if that member is actively competing for a top rank in either the league or any of the global rankings. Top rank is defined as Top-50 for the Leagues and Top-10 for the benchmark rankings.


Pro OC League

Employed by HW vendor (if overclocker is competing for top positions within benchmark and/or league rankings)


ES hardware

If plenty of free hardware (voluntary basis)



Overclockers League If using extreme cooling



Enthusiast League Air/water cooling only.


I don't see anything where ES chips aren't allowed in the Enthusiast league only that air and water cooling are allowed and with very few exceptions my machines are air cooled as is the one in question.


Got this email so I'm assuming the issue is closed:



An HWBOT moderator, "GENiEBEN", has marked one of your submissions as 'checked by a moderator'.


This was the reason the user gave:



//ticket closed



You can view your result here:



If you have questions, please contact the moderator at codinx@gmail.com, drop a message in the forums or leave a message on GENiEBEN's wall.


Yours sincerely,

the hwbot.org team

Lets wait for Massman;) He told me not long ago im not allowed to use ES:D


Until Massman will reply to Dave's PM let me just remind you of the ES rule: if it's not current platform than it is allowed, in any League. If you want to play with the latest ES (Ivy i.e) then it's PRO league or nothing.

Until Massman will reply to Dave's PM let me just remind you of the ES rule: if it's not current platform than it is allowed, in any League. If you want to play with the latest ES (Ivy i.e) then it's PRO league or nothing.

I can totally agree with 'unreleased hardware"'..IE: Soon I will have 12 core IB xeons and wouldn't make submissions for points with them as that isn't "fair" to everyone.

Back in 2010 I had a EVGA SR2 MB on February 24,2010 MONTHS before they went retail but I waited for 2 weeks after retail release before I submitted anything.

My point is I play "fair" and anyone who knows me also knows that.

To me to get accused of essentially cheating by using parts that have an advantage over what is available to the general public is the last thing I ever want to hear or see.

End of rant.

Until Massman will reply to Dave's PM let me just remind you of the ES rule: if it's not current platform than it is allowed, in any League. If you want to play with the latest ES (Ivy i.e) then it's PRO league or nothing.


I know this, thats the same Massman told me this year;) But Sandy-E is also an actually Platform:D

I know this, thats the same Massman told me this year;) But Sandy-E is also an actually Platform:D


Correct, and it is "current" hardware not unreleased hardware..That is exactly my point.

What I am using is no different than what is available at retail.

Now if I was using a pair of those unlocked multi C0 stepping 8 core sandy Bridge E's then I would agree that they shouldn't be allowed as they give an unfair advantage.


So if SB-E is not a current gen then what's the current one? Isn't this case same thing what happend to 8pack? He was caught using ivy es that's why he's in pro league right now..

Posted (edited)
So if SB-E is not a current gen then what's the current one? Isn't this case same thing what happend to 8pack? He was caught using ivy es that's why he's in pro league right now..

Dual socket 2011 is current. That we all agree on. It is "current" with SB-E's.

It is 'future" with IB-E's..To me thats the distinction.

I still keep coming back to my submissions are with currently available retail parts or in the case of the cpu, one that is equal to current retail.

The ONLY reason I'm getting better times is simple:

1) The SM X9DAX-iF board has options in the retail bios to move the BCLK from default 100 up to as much as 106.

2) The memory: I'm using Corsair Dominator Platniums rated at C9@2133 and they do make a BIG difference.

Just to elaborate on this I have tested 4 different sets of memory:

1)Centon DDR3-1333 ECC REG..Good and solid to 1418

2)Corsair GTX1's: Nice, solid at up to the settable max of 1983MHZ

3)Corsair Dominator Platniums rated at C10@2666: Better than the GTX1's and was able to go from 2.325 with the GTX1's down to 2.308s in wPrime32m

4) Corsair Dominator Platniums rated at C9@2133

With these in 15 minutes I went from 2.308s to 2.218s

My point here is my times have nothing to do with the cpu's, it is all in the memory used and lets face it, there aren't many people using top gaming memory in a dualie.

There is your difference and proof of such.

Edited by Movieman

I agree with Dhenzjhen. This is why I do not use my Ci7 3930K ES in any of my benching - because it is an ES, belonging to a current CPU generation.


Double standards much? :)




Read all the comments on this page above and perhaps that will explain why I thought there was no issue with submitting with an Es chip once the line had gone retail. I would also point out that massman posted on that submission and said nothing about it being an ES. Now if this is strictly because I am in the Enthusiast league which is where I always thought someone like me should be I have no issue in changing to whatever is appropriate.The designation of which league really means nothing to me but in all reality I am an enthusiast not a pro by any means. Most of you spend more time during the course of the year taking out the rubbish than I do benching..:D

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