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Everything posted by T.Rex

  1. no its psc I think 2000mhz 6-9-6-27 1.65v 3x2gb
  2. noooooo do you still have yours gungod :-)
  3. thx :-) its a pleasure to bench this cpu,the next days I will try to find max nb speed and cpuz
  4. yes Im very lucky with this nb,I havent found max on it yet :-) 5325mhz nb 1.675v real 1.668v
  5. cpu-z will force me to get over 272 bclk and it will not be easy at all :-D
  6. yes wprime 1024 will for sure be a hard one,Im not sure I can but I have to try :-)
  7. LOL I will be known as the vaseline guy with tits,no I hope not but yes its a good uncore but it takes 1.65v qpi/dram :-) tak slaske du skal da ik hænge der i toppen alene så jeg på vej min ven :-D
  8. yes this cpu is very good,its not normal with a buy from a overclocker LOL its from my teammate nanok,a VERY nice guy :-)
  9. yes I use a little more vaseline then normal :-D I didnt the day before and then it only run 45 min then freeez,next day you see vaseline all over :-D and run like 5 hours insted
  10. thx my friend,this cpu is from hell :-D I havent found max on it yet,at 5400mhz on nb I feel a little bitch in it :-)
  11. tak skal i have :-) ja det er da noget af et postyr over den score :-) thank you guys,I cant tell you about bug or not I just say all seems to be fine when I bench,my wprime 1024m is very very close to this one in cpuspeed and my ram is testet to 1075mhz I think I almost can play online at this speed :-) I just try to do my best :-)
  12. Ja griner men noget af en kamp må jeg sige :-)
  13. then I must call you again :-D thx my friend for support
  14. yes now its possible,Im testing testing testing :-D
  15. hahaha ja kan du tænke hvad jeg laver nu :-D
  16. I validate my 2 score at 4.421 but I have no perform in it
  17. its okay,just I will wish I know how to see if its a bug run ? is it possible to calculate to see ?
  18. I did not know it I run it twice with same results,but then I delete this and try again :-)
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