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Everything posted by T.Rex

  1. thx guys and goodmorning :-D yes good efficiency but only bz zzolio and nanok helping me for sure :-) thx
  2. T.Rex

    [FS]M6I like new!

    I take it :-)
  3. nice work noxon :-)
  4. come on SirOli you can do it better then this ... LOL
  5. I use the latest aqua,but I dont upload the score,I make a new one and upload so you can see :-)
  6. its like a bad joke
  7. if I run aqua cf 7970 it show like I run with a 7990 ? is it possible to change,or is it just bad luck for me :-D best regards carsten
  8. Yes I think the new catalyst helping me
  9. do you still have the pumpset ?
  10. T.Rex

    Slim pots, cpu pot

    do they fit to gtx 295 dual pcb ?
  11. T.Rex

    Wtb 25-50l ln2 dewar

    found one :-)
  12. T.Rex

    Wtb 25-50l ln2 dewar

    Im still looking after dewar
  13. T.Rex

    Wtb 25-50l ln2 dewar

    thx my friend,I will try this :-)
  14. hi I try to find a dewar between 25-50L it must be shipped to denmark its the only thing I need to use ln2,then im ready :-D best regards carsten
  15. okay then you can contact me if he dont buy it :-)
  16. do you still have the coolermaster 1200w ? if you have,what is the shipping cost to denmark ? br carsten
  17. what about denmark ? :-D
  18. I7 4930K cine 5ghz@1.496v ss -40 / 5.2ghz@1.62v cascade -102 batch 3327A694 :-( and 1300mhz memory no go psc bad bad samsung ok dont test others bz I cried... :-)
  19. hehe ja kunne lige så godt smide nogle score ind mens jeg alligevel tester gfx på luft :-)
  20. make your qpi freq about 5000mhz then you have no problems at this area on air
  21. well I think this thread is fine in here because Im not sure it will be only this two examples in the next short time :-)
  22. yes I think too,but do you think its the new bios who is the problem or a issue on hero ? Im not sure when its 2 diffrent asus boards ?
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