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Everything posted by ZFeSS

  1. Ticket ID: 939 Priority: Low Please add this CPU. Yorkfield-6M,\r\n1333 FSB, 8.5x multiplier.\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1292344
  2. Ticket ID: 800 Priority: Low Fore exumple - all result of this userwas deleted, but they are all alive and get first positions in 8500GT 512MB cathegory. He still get points also.\r\nI can\'t find his result throw hwbot search engine, but find all of them in google. Look like a bug too.
  3. I know, but it was fun I installed Win98 and hope that I'll get a little boost, but it makes wonders.
  4. How about 20k in 03? http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=6259691
  5. As I see, first places in wprime and PCMark now gives a little - 30-40 global points instead of other CPU bencmarks with 160-170 points. We can get more hardware points for first places in some CPU cathegories than for global WR, isn't it normal?
  6. It will be complicated. Everybody should attach a photo of chips, to prove that the result was submitted in right cathegory. The newest GPU-Z version 0.3.7. shows the same
  7. http://i066.radikal.ru/0911/cf/43e1651e7517.jpg
  8. Ticket ID: 698 Priority: Medium Please add GT220 DDR2 version. \r\nhttp://s12.radikal.ru/i185/0911/61/08f6ccf56ca4.png\r\nGPU-Z detect memory type as GDDR3, but it\'s a DDR2 definitely. 400MHz for GDDR3 is too low. Chips are Samsung K4N51163QZ HC-25. I can add a photo of card and memory if it necessary.
  9. As I said, I want to get some hwboints on this card, that's why I need to post results in right category
  10. Few days ago I take one 9800GT 1GB, but it's look strange and have unknown device ID. I can take it back, but I've already bench it and want post my results to get some hwboints This card is similar to 9400GT, maybe I need post them there? Hwbot has an "unknown" category, but it useless for this
  11. And in 9800GTX+ category too. His results are higher then others on LN2 or DIce in 2006.
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