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Everything posted by ZFeSS

  1. Pleas tell me how you unlock multiplier on this cpu? It's not an unlocked ES one. Is it possible for any other cpu?
  2. My DFI X38 was heavily bended and killed by box... Intel BOX cooler. All P5E3 that I've seen was slightly bended like xxbassplayerxx board.
  3. Never seen 4800SE and 4400 cards with TSOP beforce, always think that's for Ti4200 only. Slow memory on 4 Ti disappointing. Good to see 350 on air GPU.
  4. Check this thread Maybe it's your case also.
  5. I found another decision - go to main hwbot page. Move mouse to competitions and select "competitions overview" then choose yours and click participate. Then choose the stage and you get normal submit form.
  6. Thank you. I'll PM if it will be need.
  7. Thanks for the info. Will search problem source at my side. Looks like it's ISP problem, cause it take a long time to connect to http://esportsuat.hwbot.org and redirecting goes wrong. On main page I haven't got this problem. Only with competitions. Can you add my submission to competition if I can't solve this problem myself?
  8. It's not a machine problem. On the other machine I got the same problem. Maybe it's ISP. Can you load submit page? I click on "submit score" at competition page and got this. It happens before filling fields for submission.
  9. I've got a problem submitting anything to competition. 3 different browsers after 3-10 minutes waiting give me this. No IE used.
  10. You still can participate without it. As for me - benching 479 is a old good thing. Using 479 CPUs was quite popular those days. More popular than Slot A There are over 1k submissions with Pentium M 740 for example.
  11. Looks like same single thread performance, and huge improve for Super Pi. The question is - how far you can raise the clocks. 5GHz air and 8GHz under LN2? No, C2Q at 4GHz is capable for less than 12s @ 1M and 11min @ 32m. It's comparable with Kentsfield in 32M.
  12. Typo? Maybe for VDIMM?
  13. From my experience batch means nothing. 40MHz FSB wall difference within two cpu with next serials (same batch and pcb code).
  14. Congrats! How many chips you binned? PLL 3.0v?
  15. ZFeSS

    Ghetto style :D

    It's too neat. You should place pan onto CPU directly to achieve "Ghetto style".
  16. Example: one of teammates like knopflerbruce, who contribute 30k TPP to his team stops his activity for one year. Team points lost. Suddenly he back again and he's useless. What happens next? Tons of backups posted? Or all of his submissions should be really rebenched? Does his old result affect his new result in points and rankings in each category? I predict fake (not really gained by this member) submissions for such accounts from team captains just to keep points.
  17. But not for AM3 guys. Same for 775.
  18. 3:5 divider is bugged, it's not 1400 MHz in real. Try to use 1:2
  19. Please reserve #1 for me
  20. I've have troubles to login at hwbot.org with my old Opera (12.12). There were no problems before - I didn't log out since 2014 I clean cache and cookies today and need to log in again, but login window doesn't pop up. Is it possible to fix this or I need to change my old good browser for something new? I solve problem myself - I add to cookies user and password values from firefox manually.
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