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yosarianilives last won the day on October 22 2021

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  1. Server cpu allowed?
  2. That's a good question, typically it goes by cpu socket but I think since this is a motherboard benchmark the engine would go by motherboard?
  3. Shouldn't be too hard, I'm assuming only gtx and r9/HD series cards? Just to rule out Radeon pro duo, firepro, quadro, and Vega II duo
  4. Ati/AMD 3d stage 4: 200 series fitestrike single gpu core Misc: dogpile ref freq - this proves that you have absolute contempt for hwbot members, I like it Suggestions for misc: futuremark ssd bench? Whycruncher 100b, aquamark lowest average score (10 scores, multiple subs per person), memory freq sandy bridge, jaguar, am3, s775
  5. As long as you don't run a beta driver you should be fine. Usually it's newer or beta drivers that aren't supported.
  6. Well those definitely are some of the stages of all time
  7. People are purchasing flights and venues and prices are going up rn. Cc2023 should be in 2023. If we're discussing anything it should be if there will be cc2024 just 3 months after cc2023.
  8. Okay unless anyone has any complaints the benches will be firestrike gpu score, vantage performance gpu score, and unigine heaven basic. Gpu will be HD 6850.
  9. Terrascale is still pretty slow, but I could see 05 being still too light. Just wanted to have an older dx level. I'll take a look at scores for newer benches. Could do heaven too
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