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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Personally I'd love to do a gpu limited dual gpu stage, but I may be biased with a library that includes radeon pro duo fiji, 390x2, 295x2, 690, and soon s9300x2 (server version of pro duo fiji), also pretty sure I have a 7990 somewhere
  2. Would agree although if requiring 2gpu one card then it can become restrictive, as problems can arise with needed vram so then you have to be quite careful with how it's balanced.
  3. We gonna see another dual gpu stage? sli/xfire would be fun, either 2gpu one card (fun but $$$ fast) or just 2x cards would be interesting.
  4. Having this issue again, who was the bench maker for this one again so I can reach out? https://hwbot.org/submission/4571587_yosarianilives_y_cruncher___pi_25m_athlon_ii_x3_455_6sec_343ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4571588_yosarianilives_y_cruncher___pi_1b_athlon_ii_x3_455_9min_26sec_408ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4571591_yosarianilives_y_cruncher___pi_25m_athlon_ii_x3_455_8sec_881ms https://hwbot.org/submission/4571592_yosarianilives_y_cruncher___pi_1b_athlon_ii_x3_455_12min_37sec_903ms
  5. You're not wrong, but that doesn't mean I won't bench what I can and try to get others to try as well.
  6. Funny thing is the only am3 stage I suggested is ycruncher 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and only 1, 3, 5 would be am3 the rest you'd want Am4. I suspose maybe the single core stage, but I'm not sure sempron would be one of the top 5 chips for x265.
  7. Perhaps there are more issues with nm currently than I have seen. But I think we shouldn't derail this thread further arguing it, let's discuss more stages. I personally think a BM stage would be good, but I think we shouldn't do all stages from BM as this is country cup not bench mate cup.
  8. Wydm? Ycruncher is very straightforward, it just works.
  9. So anyways, enough unproductive arguing about benchmate. So far the ideas people have come up with for stages are: AMD ycruncher 1b 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 core cpus or alternatively if am3 is too old then we can do 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 core amd Port Royal x number of scores 7 zip no hedt x265 1080p allendale (seems old for CC to me), x265 4k sandy bridge, x265 1080p single core 5x cpus (no socket limitations, can use socket twice), x265 1080p 4 core no HT I think any ONE x265 stage would be good and a staple AMD Sempron cpu x number of sockets (seems like at best am3 is barely new enough) Cine R20 Dual Core Memory frequency all out per socket (2x AMD, 2x Intel) either do only ddr4, only ddr3, or both. (1x amd, 1x intel ddr3, 1x amd, 1x intel ddr4) HEDT slug fest, no holds barred x265 4k, ycruncher 10b, gpupi 1b,m anything else that's demanding and scales to high core counts Potentially Benchmate stages So that's not a ton of ideas thrown out, especially cause tbh I would expect at least a third of them to be automatically thrown out for a CC. Another thing, I notice that nobody is suggesting 3d stages outside of my one suggestion of port royal, so either we're trusting leeg to pull some 3d stages out of his ass or nobody in this forum wants to touch 3d with a 10ft pole. Personally I think 6 stages sounds good, 3x 2d and 3x 3d, would be very traditional for a country cup. If I had to suggest a 3d stage I'd say do something like Firestrike Extreme but make it pascal and turing only. also fuckit, let's do another igp stage. amd apu timespy
  10. That's because you didn't install prerequisites. I do think maybe it would be helpful if instead of just a self unzipping archive it had an actual installer that installs prerequisites similar to most full fledged programs, so it comes packaged with vs, and dotnet, etc. And maybe even prepackaged the w7 update you need to install for cryptographic. But in general my experience has been 100% of people who can't figure it out are user error.
  11. Because it prevents cheat More realistically probably because people can't figure out how to get it to work, because they like to run super stripped os so installing prerequisites like dotnet and updates on w7 scares them
  12. Don't encourage him lol, he will yeet 2v+ without any encouragement
  13. Benchmate just works if you know how to install os, so I propose we do benchmate stages for at least half. If the aussies wanna bitch that's their loss.
  14. Agreed, I think that do like 3 BM stages and then do an x265 and a ycruncher stage which are fairly secure so that those people who cannot stand BM can still run something (gotta pretend we want to be fair to the aussies )
  15. Do we know when it's going to start? Typically it's like November 1st but I thought end of last country cup we decided we'd push it forward two weeks so it can end before Christmas and new years
  16. Make sure cpu and gpu is detected otherwise it will be hidden.
  17. Exactly, so even more to the point of needing to prepackage the game with the bench and there isn't really a legal way to do that.
  18. I think a large problem of game benches is there is no (legal) way to distribute them prewrapped and people barely willing to pay for 3dmark. So wrapper would need a way to detect presence of games then launch them itself, probably a tie into the steam api
  19. There are separate categories for raven ridge and Picasso so comp working this way is counterintuitive especially as they are on different nodes which traditionally makes different categories (look at nvidia tesla arch). If this is the case would be a huge let down because I bought a 2400g and board specifically because of how the database is laid out for hwbot and i 100% would not have done that had I known the comp is not laid out according to the rest of the database. https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_rx_vega_11_graphics_picasso/
  20. It's counting as one because you selected raven ridge, there is also a category for Picasso if you look at the list of Vega cores
  21. Yes, es cpus allowed with no limitations on socket or cpus used. If you have your own access to a 9282 that's on you lol
  22. Hmm x265 1080p single core 5x cpus (no socket limitations, can use socket twice)
  23. Hi all! I know that Team Cup is still running, however it's only just a little over a month to the start of country cup and the longer people can argue about good stages it's probably the better so hopefully we have less issues with stages after start of comp. So that said, plz comment your suggestions for stages. A few of my own: AMD ycruncher 1b 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 core cpus or alternatively if am3 is too old then we can do 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 core amd Port Royal x number of scores 7 zip no hedt
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