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Everything posted by Bartmasta

  1. everyone thinks the point system is lame you guys should at least try to do something or popularity will drop in HWbot like someone said theres no more motivation. before I would do bench runs at -5'C ambient and do tweaking and stuff to get some more points and have fun. now I will just have 0,1 points because I don't have SS or LN2.
  2. What I think should be done is a steady decline of points instead of it just being 0.1 points after a certain rank it should go 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 etc. and everyone that submited into the top 100 shouldn't get a 0.1 point because people can just run at stock speeds without trying. Also effort is irrelevant here. I can tweak for hours with my hardware only to get beaten by a guy with an i7 with no tweaks simply because he has a better cpu for 3dmark06 or whatever
  3. What I think should be done is a steady decline of points instead of it just being 0.1 points after a certain rank it should go 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 etc. and everyone that submited into the top 100 shouldn't get a 0.1 point because people can just run at stock speeds without trying. Also effort is irrelevant here. I can tweak for hours with my hardware only to get beaten by a guy with an i7 with no tweaks simply because he has a better cpu for 3dmark06 or whatever
  4. Guys I don't like the new way that points work I mean take for example SPI for 720 BE http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4465&page=7 How come you need to be 23# to get any decent points and after that it's just 0.1? For popular hardware the best scores are because people have high end cooling. Now the people with air cooling have no chance at getting any points. I thought this change was gonna be suited for people that can't have high end stuff. Guess it's the otherway around.
  5. i hope i can get a decent result with my mx440 and p4
  6. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=885453 Note that the section is 720 without the BE and the result is a 720 BE. Should be in the 720 BE section and not the 720 one
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103691 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103689
  8. not really I'd be simply a matter of who's ram can overclock better
  9. oh balls I didn't notice that. Well I can't change that now but at least my 3dmark05 and 03 result is good right?
  10. Yeah but that's a X____ I've got a Xpress
  11. Ticket ID: 439 Priority: Medium In the HWBot database there\'s only ATI xpress 1100, 1150 and 1250 with the 1200 missing.\r\n\r\nHere\'s a screenshot with default settings\r\n\r\nhttp://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p133/Bartmasta/3dmark06caf1.png
  12. actually i think it's just a xpress 1200 and hwbot is missing the GPU from the database ill make a ticket
  13. I've got a GPU here but I'm not sure which video card it is. Can someone please link me to the correct one on HWBot.
  14. i dont like the shape of the cpu 1.52 window
  15. I can't find anywhere to download sisoft sandra 2007. The only 2 places I found either have a trojan or don't work. can someone provide a download link to SS2007?
  16. name was gantevebis_vaci i believe
  17. I see the scores got deleted. why?
  18. Well I'm sure it can't be a different version, seeing as the 1024m save file worked. Here's the OC if anyones wondering
  19. I was benching wprime on a rig with no internet, and after getting a nice score I saved it. When I was able to access the internet I tried to open the score with wPrime but I got a invalid checksum error. bahhhhhhhhh
  20. thanks!
  21. Trying to submit a pifast score for a celeron pentium 4 360 and I get this Crap. An error happened. We could blame this on you but it's most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this. Error message org.apache.torque.TorqueException: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'name' at row 1 Error stack trace org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.throwTorqueException line 105 org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.insertOrUpdateRecord line 680 org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer.doInsert line 562 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImagePeer.doInsert line 238 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImagePeer.doInsert line 605 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 8788 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 8752 org.hwbot.persistence.base.BaseImage.save line 8733 org.hwbot.web.actions.SubmitResultAction.run line 210 org.hwbot.web.actions.HwbotAction.execute line 29
  22. i need more hardware or waterc00lz
  23. Not everyone here is rich and can afford the latest parts to get global points. I'm not saying I have > 300 hardware points but I don't get why it's limited.
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