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Everything posted by ADVenturePO

  1. @Mr.Scott Totally right there:) I'm at liquid metal all the time... I should have turned into T1000 already. @Leeghoofd Please explain. I did not meant to be rude in any way. Cheers
  2. Hello OCers and moderators. @Leeghoofd @Massman @richba5tard @Christian Ney @TheMadDutchDude @Turrican @k|ngp|n @H2o vs. Ln2 I have a question : who is the programmer responsible for 3 moths of having 16 card result sitting in 4 card competition? If someone submits 16 core CPU result into 4 core CPU category the sub is instantly blocked after reporting. Here we have strange situation: 16- and 10-card machines are sitting in 4 cards World Record category, destroying other scores with gap... and no one is doing anything about it. Strange... isn't it. How do you find that score OK? https://hwbot.org/submission/3991289_x_computers.eu_gpupi___1b_4_geforce_rtx_2080_ti_0sec_639ms There are categories of 5, 6 , 7 ,and 8 GPUs - you can find it here: https://hwbot.org/benchmark/gpupi_-_1b/ Or this one: https://hwbot.org/submission/4159675_macdaffy_gpupi___32b_4_geforce_gtx_1080_ti_52sec_442ms Again You have up to 8 cards category https://hwbot.org/benchmark/gpupi_-_32b/ And MacDaffy sits in 4 cards category while using 16 cards!!! What is happening? Move those results to max cards categories - easy. Why don't you do it? Cheers Peter
  3. and whats wrong with this one that it was thrown out? https://hwbot.org/submission/4187812_
  4. Cant edit sub for Vantage. My score link: https://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/5771619
  5. Leghoof I have saved my submissions of Vantage to file. Wait a moment with deleting.
  6. I have the correct picture. Edited the sub. I moved the correct one to wrong subs and submitted the one with wrong tab.Please take back the submission.
  7. I'm sorry: why was this thrown out form this competition? https://hwbot.org/submission/4187977_
  8. Ahh... OK. Why didn't you remove multi GPU scores whereas those are in 4 card Crossfire only and has 10 or more cards? Most important thing - background. Thanks for a quick and straight answer.
  9. Whoops I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatic problem? Fire your guns or shall you be merciful? It's the same timestamp..
  10. Ehhh I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatic problem? Same timestamp ... please accept as is.
  11. Ehhh I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatic problem? It's the same timestamp...Ekhm..
  12. Whoopsie I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatic problem? Anything else is OK... But I messed up ...
  13. Ehhh I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatic problem? Shall I kill myself already or wait a moment?
  14. Ehhh I used Pro Oc Round 2 backgroud - will it be a dramatical problem?
  15. How Looooong time shall we wait? Until nex gen GPU's? @Leeghoofd Ehhh
  16. The submission tells me that I have chosen not to get points. Edited 3 times. Doesn't help.
  17. I did not choose to disable points... ??? Edit doesn't do anything.... Ehh
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