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Posts posted by IanCutress

  1. Yeah so I haven't read 29 pages worth of comments. But there's more things maybe not be under consideration here:


    a) Just because you have an ES, doesn't mean you have an unlimited supply or can get more. People who work at manufacturers may have more of a supply, rather than reviewers who only get a single ES CPU which is as near retail as you can get. If a reviewer who is also an overclocker got an 3960X for the SNB-E launch, or an SB/FX-8150 for that launch, s/he's going to use that to bench with. And then again some of them never touch this 'sub-zero' or whatever. Straight into Pro-OC league, or case-by-case basis?


    b) Your rule states if you ever use an ES you move? So Tapakah's 990X score means he'll be moved? Or is it only current gen ES? Have to be specific here.


    c) Overclocking events with AMD/Intel reps. If they provide a bunch of CPUs for team members to have a go (and they all happen to be ES), does all the team have to move to Pro OC?


    d) Does this cover more than CPUs - memory, motherboards, GPUs? Again, it's best to be completely explicit in declaring rules.

  2. effort * difficulty =!= instant points


    Part of the game is identifying where the points are then challenging that record. Not just 'I put 200hrs and $$$ into single card and get less points than someone who ran 4 cards'. If you want to run single card, it's up to you. If you've got access to 2x6990, then it's up to you as well.

  3. A lot of people are still confused about TPP. How to get it, how it's calculated etc. Please split the 'TPP' into two:


    Team Power Points (TPPHW): If you are number one for the team in the specific hardware category

    Team Power Points (TPPGL): If you are number one for the team in the benchmark


    Thus TPP = TPPHW + TPPGL


    And please add these values to the submission page where we look at the bench, so people know which of their scores are earning TPP.


    It's also hard to find the TPPHW on all my scores, if I have any at all. I have to individually check each one in the HW list to see if it is number one. The 'Team Rankings -> Sort by team' shows people who earn TPPGL, but there's nowhere on my personal page to show TPP HW.


    On another note, TPPGL is still a bit screwy.


    You only earn TPPGL if your best score for a bench is also number one in the team for that hardware.

    E.g. if your best SPi score is number two in your team for the HW, nada. But if your second best score is 1st on your team for other HW, also nada.

  4. Simply put, it's how the program works. It's a GUI based on a command line program. The GUI doesn't detect what the processor can do, only the command line can. And sometimes (not always), it's not the most up to date instruction set that gets the best score. So the program runs through them all to find that score.


    It's true it can be adapted, but this benchmark wasn't made specifically for the overclocking community. What I assume is that with everyone that runs it, it provides spine points on graphs for all the different instruction sets, architectures, and overclocks.


    Benchmarks made for overclocking are invariably synthetic (let's use all the processor has to offer), whereas this is an example of something real world, which may not use everything, and thus some architectures are better suited to it than others.


    However, the GUI could probably be updated for manual selection of scores and stuff, but it would require reinterpretation of the official website to accept those scores (which may or may not be what the creator wants).

  5. Ticket ID: 1393


    Priority: Low


    So, any non-black edition Llano proc doesn\'t have an adjustable multiplier. You can only adjust the frequency. However, if a motherboard software allows you to adjust that multi, without it happening in reality, CPU-Z will report the total speed as the new multi x frequency.\r\n\r\nPeople are being sneaky by not putting this multi too high and still submitting results. Take http://hwbot.org/submission/2199852_kairi_zeroblade_cpu_frequency_a6_3650_4635_mhz on an A6-3650 (multi 26x). He has it at 115 MHz, but 40x multi, even though the system is running at 26x115 in reality.\r\n\r\nI\'m looking at my CPUZ with 47x140 to give 6.6G (http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2012814). I know I can\'t submit this, but having these other people submitting scores like that is infuriating.\r\n\r\nI suggest: have a flag on each proc which tells the system if it allows multiplier overclock. If it does, allow people to enter the overall speed, as it is now. If it doesn\'t, then only let people put in the 100 MHz freqency, and the system does the multiplication.\r\n\r\n(BTW, I have reported this guys result, but I can\'t be bothered going through every Llano submission looking for idiots like this.)

  6. This is why I refuse to give scores out in reviews, and I haven't given an award out this year. Awards should be for the premium product which is perfect in every aspect, AND beat all their competitors in every aspect as well - price, performance, warranty, extras, support, comparison to other products.


    In my eyes, 5/10 should be average, where 7/10 is an awesome score, and very rarely should anything get above 7. The problem is that people tend to give scores in the 5-10 range - so a really crap product STILL gets 5/10. What does the manufacturer have to do to get worse? Take a massive dump on it?


    It all comes back to Kane and Lynch on Gamespot. K&L publishers spend $million on Gamespot advertising - their reviewer gives it 6/10 and gets fired because the advertising was pulled. In reality, 6/10 should be a great game.


    For most reviews now, I just look at the score out of 10 and then subtract five, then that's the score out of five.

  7. There's no need to inject sarcasm in an attempt to undermine participation. It's more the fact that I now know my score is more useless than before, probably last, and it completely wasted my time doing the testing and run(s) involved. No-one likes to see moving goalposts at any stage of a competition, especially one sponsored by a multi-national and hosted on the main website of a sport/hobby.


    Perhaps next time I will make a personal note to never accept rules finalised until the last day of competition, then participate.

  8. Suggestion: Where it says 'today's top benchmark scores', have a button so you can see your teams best scores the past 24hrs too? Like back in rev3? Just quicker than navigating to the team page, which atm is acting quite slow, especially when you select the members tab.


    Another request: A graph of submissions per day for the team. So one day there might be 20 submissions, the next 2, then after a group bench session, 200? See what days of the week scores are uploaded etc, or how quickly before contest deadlines.

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