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Posts posted by mickulty

  1. On 3/28/2019 at 1:17 PM, unityofsaints said:

    The Ryzen thing is a very specific political issue and outside the scope of this thread I would say.

    I think you might need to remind yourself of the original post;


    We could be a so much bigger community if we could overcome the old Windows XP/7 only requirement for 95% of benchmarks. I get really sad everytime I want to bench some interesting hardware, or invite newcomers to the hobby. Nobody runs these old systems anymore :/

    Given that the XP/7 requirement doesn't exist for modern Intel, and is not onerous on older hardware, what on earth is it about if not Ryzen?

  2. I feel like the OP's original point has been lost in a stupid slapfight.

    Regardless of what's optimal, if you're trying to get someone new into competitive OC they're going to be put off if they can't do it with their daily system or an OS they're familiar with, and *extremely* put off if they have to try and install something that's not supported on their platform.  They don't need to be told "well you should install XP anyway to be competitive", they need a way to get involved on 10.  Doesn't have to be efficient or competitive.  3D is alright for this because Futuremark/UL stuff is fine, but simply not being able to post cinebench/superpi/wprime/etc scores on ryzen without hacking an unsupported (on that platform) OS together really sucks.

    Philosophically, it's an easy problem to solve without upsetting anyone - offer wrapped versions that people are free to run on whatever OS/hardware as the default download.  Continue to offer unwrapped versions if the unwrapped bench is felt to be secure enough, for people who are willing to faff around with older OS's.  The "only" difficulty is the production of the actual wrappers.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 hours ago, macsbeach98 said:

    Only one card model otherwise everyone just goes for the top model out of the list.

    5450 are a dime a dozen on fleabay its not like there isnt enough to go around.

    They're all the same clocks, except for the 210 which I think is actually a bit slower.  Shouldn't be any benefit to the other models other than maybe a little easier to get hold of for some people in some situations, especially if someone wants a job lot to bin.

  4. 5450 would be good, they really are cheap as chips and seem to be widely available (think they were in production to relatively recently, might even still be made?).  Could it perhaps also include the other Cedar rebrands?  So 6350, 7350, 8350, and R5 210.  That way there's more flexibility to maximise availability.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    My 2 cents is that we do from now all scores 100% valid on FM/UL,. not even driver non approved... VALID or out... 

    We are looking into updating the rules, though this will take time.

    If you spot a dodgy score report it, if you spot it and don't do jack, you are an accomplice lol

    Makes sense for new benchmarks, but I don't envy whoever has to enact the purge if that's extended to the stuff with things like LOD and tess "grandfathered" in as tweaks.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Mr.Scott said:

    Career has no cap, except the end of said career. I can't put it any simpler than that.

    I personally don't care if you artificially cap comp points, but don't call it 'career' then, cause it ain't.

    My career extends past your cap, so does most everybody's. 


    So... are you calling for no cap on the number of subs attracting globals or hardware points that count?  No-one is suggesting a time limit for competition points after all...

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:

    You are talking seasonal now. It's not the same as career.

    I'm talking the ranking that matters, which for most sports is single seasons but for OC is career.

    If you were to start treating career stats in OC like in sports in order to justify an advantage based on account age, you'd have to also take the rankings off the front page and off people's profile pages, instead hiding them behind a tab on profiles like hardware library.  I don't want that, because I value the fact that old scores aren't discounted just because they're old.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:


    All sports have career stats.

    Yes.  For meta-analysis.  If manchester united is having a terrible season you don't say they're still the best at football because of their 1998-1999 season performance.

    I'm all in favour of a high cap, for the totally different reason that it makes it worth competing for newer people even if they don't expect to do well, but unlimited for competitions is just stupid.

  9. 12 hours ago, unityofsaints said:

    I'd like to see the maths on that.

    Very few people bench titans, tight?  Even the OG titan gets less hw points than the 1080Ti, for example.

    Now, right now titans are used to get top 3D scores.  They get the very most globals and that won't change.  However, they don't really get much by way of hardware points especially when relevant for globals.

    Top 'consumer' cards still get close on globals but they get strong hardware points as well.  If you need best hw+global together, I think the top 'consumer' cards should be a better bet than cards than can acheive a little more globals but no hardware points.

    • Confused 1
  10. On 12/22/2018 at 6:15 PM, Plasma_Carrot said:

    3dmark03 sucks if you can tweak the clocks to blank the last bits of each test you can increase the score by thousands of points with out it looking suspect.

    I love picking up old/cheap shit and benching them so would like to keep all the old benches, modern cards are boring, to locked down and bloody costly.

    Please let us cash poor guys still have a chance to at least get a few points.

    don't worry, hw points are staying - this is just globals that needed a fastish (depending on bench) card and top-end CPU anyway

  11. On 12/10/2018 at 3:33 PM, havli said:

    Ah, yes, that is possible. I almost forgot about Intel OCL driver as it was always slower for me. But is seems lot of people use it with modern CPUs. Anyway for example 9900k can run 100 MHz higher GPUPI 1B than R15, so even with Intel driver it is still rather light benchmark.

    I think it's more relevant for Skylake-X as it also uses AVX-512

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Bilko said:

    Subbed, let's get this moving along!


    I agree, not making the mistake I made last time either... http://hwbot.org/submission/4007362

    Bit late in the day for anything other than a very quick very dirty run on the daily but a sub is a sub.

    EDIT: I've been informed that the fourth gpu-z sensor tab isn't fully visible, so I guess I had better remove it

    • Thanks 1
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