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Everything posted by slngsht

  1. Seeing you running with the same board I have makes me want to bust it out and start benching with it again! Nice run!
  2. Thanks guys. I went crazy because I knew I hadn't gotten rid of it, so went through my boxes of stuff and found it. I had shoved it in a box with antistatic bags. /facepalm.jpg Crap organization will be the end of my sanity.
  3. To make a long story short, a long time ago, I dropped a cpu in the socket of my MIIF and it bent up some pins, so I figured the board was a gonner. I put it on a shelf to use for parts. I ended up removing one of the VRM heatsinks from the board and used it on a video card, and ended up misplacing the heatsink I removed. Later on, I was diagnosing a buddy's computer to see if his cpu was fried. At the time, the only board I had available to even try was the maximus II formula, so I pulled it down off the shelf, got out an exacto blade and magnifying glass and bent the pins back. I put the cpu in and it posted no problem. Now I want to put the board back in commission, but I can't because one of the vrm heatsinks is gone. I was hoping someone here may have a dead maximus II Formula laying around that may be able to help me out with the part I need, or a suggestion to replace it with another similar part that would let me put this thing back in use.
  4. Oh man, I'm totally with you on this. I lost three and have no idea where they went or what they were for. I'm really not enjoying this change for the better.
  5. Ticket ID: 1283 Priority: Low I\'m not sure if integrated ION should be separated from PCI-E or not.\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/submission/2175539_
  6. Wow, a DDR setup. I bet this would rape some superpi scores.
  7. Ticket ID: 1278 Priority: Low Not sure what I need to type into the search box for this processor to come up: S478 Celeron 2.8ghz northwood\r\n\r\nIt\'s not coming up with anything. I\'ve tried \"2.8\" \"celeron 2.8\" \"northwood\" and none of those search strings come up with anything for this processor.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/cgi-bin/IdentifyPart.pl?PART=sl77t&PROCESS=Go\r\n\r\nThanks
  8. update: my c3 1.2 has a CBB on phase. I got it to almost 1.8 though... can't get any benches to run on phase though.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately, I'm the only one on my team that benches this kind of stuff. I tried to see if anyone had another duallie for this competition, but nobody has any. Seems everyone on my team that's active is concentrating on 2600K's and nvidia 5xx series gpu's. Funny because they bleed points like it's going out of style and I tend to be able to hang onto my points for the most part.
  10. Oh the pessimism, cocky smacktalk and complaining. Can't we just have a bit of fun here? That's what this is all about. If you don't have the hardware to participate, that's unfortunate. However, it's probably something you don't want or need, so that's okay. You aren't required to participate. I'm just glad I've finally got something I can contribute in one of these competitions, because it's usually ME that can't participate because I don't own the latest and greatest.
  11. I was under the impression that the board would only go up to 10x multi. I'm working on pin modding a couple p3-s 1.233's today. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the advice
  12. OMG I am so jealous right now! Awesome board!
  13. Nice! How do you get the p3 1.4-S to run on this board? I was unsuccessful with mine.
  14. Omg Lol!!!!!! You're going to be an internet sensation.
  15. Good luck with that board. I'm surprised 499 is as good as it gets. Figure out who has that board who has high fsb and see what kind of memory they have and try to snag some of that.
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