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Everything posted by Speedy22

  1. Hi, Thank you for your sub in the CC2024 !
  2. Ok je verrai, j'ai mis un peu de coté discord faute de temps mais tu peux également me joidre en mp sur le forum hwbot je reste dispo.
  3. De Genève, oui aucun souci par contre je ne vais plus autant bencher qu'auparavant mais je resterai présent pour la country cup.
  4. Haha, it's a mini pc fanless but you can do what you want with^^
  5. Hello please add motherboard Maxtang ALN50 + UHD Graphics 730 Intel N100 @ 2892.92 MHz - CPU-Z VALIDATOR (x86.fr) ?
  6. Hello, Please add : Erying G660 ITX Motherboard -----------> https://valid.x86.fr/rzhdrq ?
  7. Hello, Please add Nvidia RTX A2000 12GB -------------> https://www.nvidia.com/fr-fr/design-visualization/rtx-a2000/ THX
  8. Possibly the fb-dimm, did you tested with one stick of 1gb dual ranked 1.8v or the very rare 1.5v pc2 6400 fixed in auto ? PCIE freq from my board won't boot above 101 1:1 in think is limited to max ~425-430 in quad channel
  9. Your board is one of the last rev as me. Easely checkable with the skull logo stamped on the southbridge cooler. Rev 1 and 2 are only full black without logo. Let's see how far we could go^^
  10. I think it is possible to go slightly more higher by using a dual core Xeon 45nm. And you will need to keep the northbridge temp under 70c
  11. Il est justement en feu et doit impérativement passer sous flotte^^
  12. Hello, Please add Asrock J4125M motherbaord --------> Intel Celeron J4125 @ 2594.46 MHz - CPU-Z VALIDATOR (x86.fr) Thank you ! ?
  13. Hello, Please add : ASROCK H310M-STX ---------> https://valid.x86.fr/8nf8df TY
  14. Merci ! Je vais essayer de peaufiner encore un peu l'oc du cache et flasher la ram à 2400mhz^^
  15. LoL ! (^_^)
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