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Everything posted by bartx

  1. Some interesting kits for sale 2x2GB Team Xtreem 2000MHz CL9 1.9V PSC I tested them, 2400MHz 8-11-8-28 twcl6 on ~1.8V area, nothing special, but standard voltage is 1.9V (it's 775 stuff), they might be interesting. 60 euro + shipping -> SOLD Team Xtreem 2x1GB 800MHz CL4 - 100% working condition, comes with original packaging, tested on P5Q Pro - SPi 32M 5-5-5-12 2.3V pass - 25 euro + shipping Crucial Ballistix Tracer 2x1GB 800MHz CL4 - 100% working condition, oem, tested on P5Q Pro - SPi 32M 5-5-5-12 2.3V pass - 25 euro + shipping OCZ Flex 2x1GB 1200MHz CL5 - one stick is dead (chipse were broken off, when I was trying to pull out the radiator), second one 100% working condition - 15 euro + shipping Shipping in Europe is 5 euro, worldwide please ask. Paypal only
  2. bump
  3. sold, thanks for the space
  4. 320-325 boot and 370 is max from TurboV Evo... so far on air, maybe on cold I'll get some more MHz
  5. Thanks for the tip. So far I got stuck on 370 HTT...
  6. Phenom is sold. G.Skill price drop - 25 euro + shipping
  7. Phenom II 960T BE, full unlock. I've reached 4.8-5.3GHz on my autocascade (-60/65C area). Nice CPU to make some global points on 5x core. 100% working condition, guarantee not DOA. 90 euro + shipping (CPU only), shipping is 5 euro in Europe. I can ship worldwide, paypal only. http://hwbot.org/submission/2426199_bartx_wprime___1024m_phenom_ii_x4_960t_be_159sec_812ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2426196_bartx_wprime___1024m_phenom_ii_x4_960t_be_184sec_296ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2426523_bartx_superpi___1m_phenom_ii_x4_960t_be_12sec_844ms 2x1GB G.Skill HZ 800MHz CL4 - I'm pretty sure that it's D9GMH, at least I don't know other IC, which is capable 1200 5-5-5-15 2.2V or 1100 4-4-4-12 2.4V (this was fast test on poor P43 board, I'm selling those, because I've found Team Xtreem kit). 100% working condition, guarantee not DOA. 30 euro + shipping, shipping is 5 euro in Europe. I can ship worldwide, paypal only.
  8. Offers welcome
  9. It's not working all the time - depends on hysteresis. At example you set -10C on the controller. It goes up to -10C then shuts off. If you have hysteresis 3C, when liquid will be warmer than -7C it turns on again. I'll make a movie on my camera in the evening. For sure it's not quiet.
  10. I think that 400 euro for the chiller is more reasonable price
  11. sold, thanks for the space
  12. I'd like to sell my water chiller. I built it two years ago, used only during my holidays and did so many good scores on this cooler - see my hwbot profile, I'll post some of them here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2302431_bartx_3dmark03_2x_geforce_9600_gt_89018_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2404068_bartx_cinebench_r11.5_sempron_145_1.41_points http://hwbot.org/submission/2310129_bartx_3dmark03_geforce_7900_gs_33984_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2316027_bartx_3dmark03_geforce_8600_gt_256mb_gddr3_30552_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2312776_bartx_3dmark06_radeon_hd_4890_26897_marks With single block and CPU like Sempron 145 it can go up to -28/30C. With single GPU or stronger CPU temps will be around -24C. There are no problems with -15/20C with even three waterblocks - make sure, that they're not a flowkillers. I was testing in on 260W dummy some time ago and it was holding about -18C liquid. 2l reservoir gives it great capacity for running the benchmarks. Block used: D-Tek Fuzion V1 and 2x MCW60 (not included). I'm looking for 500 euro + shipping for this cooler. I can give one month warranty for all parts. Used parts: Chiller: Teco KE-C086 Rotary Compressor - 5355BTU Luve STVF Condenser with Elco Fan 10-plate heat exchanger Honeywell controller Bulit-in manifold (shows discharge pressures) Two 0.8mm captubes R507 refrigerant Next thing for sale is pump set. Two Iwaki pumps with base, transformer and reservoir. It took me lot of time to find proper pumps. Forget about all Swiftech crap for PC cooling - they all turn off on -10/12C and overheat. Those Iwaki pumps never overheat and the most important - they don't transfer heat to the loop - they have magnetic impelers. Pump set: Two Iwaki MD-15R pumps, each is 960l/min and 2.4m head connected in series 230V -> 110V transformer 2l reservoir Valve for easy removal the liquid Fittings I'm looking for 150 euro for this pump set. I also give one month warranty. It's the best combo for chiller, which you can buy. And it was tested by someone, who is benching, not by another "builder" who only makes unit for sale and doesn't bench at all. Chiller and parts are a bit messy, because I was using this stuff in my cellar. I will make it "bling bling" before shipping Shipping to Europe only - I'll check. Local pickup is also available - I live in Poland, Silesia (south west part), it's not that far from Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia etc. Prices are negotiable I also have some water blocks, fitting, insulation, tubes etc. Best regards
  13. Offers welcome I've got two kits, the other one is better (needs less voltage). I'd like to sell both, because I've found some decent PSC.
  14. 50 euro + shipping
  15. A-Data 2000X BBSE set - you can see IC on the picture. 100% working condition, guarantee not DOA. It's not the best kit, but still decent, it does: 2133 7-9-7 1.725V 32M 2200 8-10-8 1.770V 32M and boots into Windows at 2400 9-10-9 or 9-11-9 1.770V but it's 1M stable on this voltage I was using this on AMD, see Sempron 145 scores in my profile. I tested it on Ivy, but I have only poor Z68M ITX board, I even can't adjust VTT here I'm selling this kit, because I've found a better one. I'm asking 60 euro + shipping (5 euro within Europe). Never benched on cold or tested on higher voltage than 1.85V.
  16. bartx

    Last Voltcraft K102

    For sale is my last Voltcraft K102 - I won't have them any more. New, with protective film on display, battery included. Guarantee not DOA. 35 euro + shipping (5 euro within Europe), I can ship worldwide Paypal preffered
  17. I'm taking offers
  18. sold, please close
  19. Only CHY Thermometer left, rest of the stuff is sold.
  20. bartx

    4770K, 3770K or 3570K

    found one already, thread can be closed
  21. Only one kit of Ballistix left. Both do 1200MHz 5-5-5-12 on 2.2v on cheap Asus P43 board without any problems. Shipping to Germany is 4 euro.
  22. 22€ + shipping per Crucial set, bump for CHY. I can add an old probe to CHY.
  23. Another stuff must go Two sets of 2x1GB Crucial Ballistix 800MHz CL4 16FD3 Micron D9GMH, 100% working, guarantee not DOA. 25€/set Voltcraft K101 one channel thermometer. New, with protective film on display. Probe is not attached. 100% working. 25€ + shipping Used CHY 700. It has small stain on lcd (caused by small drop of acetone), it's barely visible. 100% working, I was using it for a few years. Probe is not attached. 20€ + shipping Shipping is a few euros within Europe, I can ship worldwide - just ask. Paypal only.
  24. Please change my forum nickname to bartx Thanks
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